Does it make sense ? 🥀

428 28 13

I wanted to write down exactly what I felt,
but somehow the paper stayed empty and I could not have described it any better....

I wanted to write down exactly what I felt,but somehow the paper stayed empty and I could not have described it any better

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He was teaching us but I couldn't concentrate on anything what he was saying. Whenever we made eye contact I would break it because the way he looks at me made my breath hitch. It's like a monster looking down at it's prey. The bell rang indicating that it's time for him to leave. All the students packed their things and started heading out.

I hurriedly took my things and started walking out "Miss Park, please stay back." my breath hitched. I turned around slowly not knowing what to expect. "Yes, Mr.Jeon?" I asked hesitantly. "i chaegdeuleul nae teibeullo olmgineun geoseul dowajusil su issnayo?" He said giving a shy smile.
(Could you please help me take these books to my table?)

 (Could you please help me take these books to my table?)

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I blinked at him processing what he said and exhaled. I definitely can't resist that bunny smile." Sure sir..." I agreed but why did he specifically call me, there were many he could call.... whatever maybe I am thinking too much.

I was stacking the books when I noticed his watch, Audemars Piguet. Do teachers earn that much to buy these expensive stuff ? Hmm maybe I should consider being a teacher haha. I followed him like a lost puppy and kept the books on his table. Even his office gave me an eerie feeling.

I searched my pockets and handed him what I was looking for. "What is this ?" He questioned. "It's the tip you gave me that day sir, I don't deserve it." I stated sincerely. He looked surprised at first but then his eyes gazed softly into mine. There was a silence, it was like both of us had so much to say but just couldn't get them out. "Thank you, Miss Park." he breath out, finally after the deafening silence.

I bowed and walking out of the office. I kept thinking about our encounter as I failed to notice the office door step. I tripped on it about to land on my face flat. I just closed my eyes accepting my fate. But I didn't feel any pain... a muscular arm wrapped around my waist holding me tight not ready to let me go. I stared into his inky eyes. It was showing emotions unknown to me but yet familiar to me.

Am I hallucinating or did I just see his eyes turn red for a second.He looked at my lips making me feel emotions I never thought I will be experiencing. It was as if he was gonna kiss me. Oh my god...... but to my disappointment he cleared his throat and stood up straight. I was kinda sad that he didn't kiss me. What !? What am I even thinking about? I should go ! I ran from there without thinking twice. Shit this is so embarrassing.

 Shit this is so embarrassing

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She is so beautiful. Her scent is driving me crazy. I don't know how I controlled myself. She is too tempting. I want to kiss her soft plumb lips, her neck,every part of her. I want to feel her. But I don't want to make her feel uncomfortable. So for now I have to hold myself but princess, if you pull me in more, I don't think I am gonna hold myself back.

The other classes went by pretty fast

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The other classes went by pretty fast. I reached home and heard mom yelling. So I just stayed outside and listened to their conversation. " Why do we have to take care of her !? We barely have any money to live by ourselves but we have to take care of that orphan!" She screamed and dad tried consoling her.

"Honey please keep your voice down..." Dad pleaded. I am confused about who they are talking about. "Don't shout, Katherine must be on her way. She should never know that she's adopted." Dad spoke softly. My whole world came crashing down. I am....adopted?

A lone tear escaped my eyes. "Don't say this in front of her please, it'll hurt her." Dad uttered looking helpless. I am not surprised that I am adopted because it was clear in the way she treated me. I quickly wiped the tears and ran to my room. I heard them calling me but I don't wanna talk to them. I plopped onto the bed. "why... why....WHY ?!" I screamed. I hugged my pillow and cried my eyes out. I thought about how miserable my life is. The horrible childhood memories came rushing to my mind..


"Mommy mommy I am hungry can you feed me ? " the little kid said cutely, pulling the woman's dress. But she yanked the kid's hand away causing her to fall on the ground. The little kid's knees bled as her big doe eyes watered up. The little kid started crying but the woman didn't care instead she shouted at the kid " Stop being annoying you brat. Get out before I take your food away!"

The kid wiped her face with her little hands and stood up running away from the woman who looked like she would kill her any moment. The kid choked down her food crying and feeling lonely. There was no one to love her or care for her and that had deeply wounded her heart. She curled up in the corner of her dusty bed and cried herself to sleep.

End of flashback

I still feel like the little kid who had no one to love her. I was exhausted and just like before, I swallowed the pain all by myself, having no shoulder to cry on. I fell asleep thinking about my fate and how I can do nothing to change that. When can I feel happiness ? Why ? Why me ?

Why does she bear all the pain ? Will Jungkook be the one to bring her happiness? Guess we'll find out. Stay tuned !

 Stay tuned !

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