You set off into the wilderness beyond the gate.
An overwhelming sense of dread overcame you.
The primordial fear of the dark engulfed you. You ran hurriedly down the trail. Your panting and quick side glances told of your panic and fear.
The unknown gnawed at the back of your mind. Creatures that lurked in the darkness and shadows unnerved you. You had only a small dagger to protect yourself.
After what felt like miles you came to a crossroads. The location described in the letter.
You quickly glanced around before kneeling down and digging into the dirt with your bare hands in the middle of the crossroad.
You buried the wish bone you had taken from the kitchen, and with a dagger you cut your thumb letting drops of blood fall upon the the spot where the bone was buried.
Then with flint and knife in hand you lit the parchment burning it, letting it too fall upon the small mound.
The small fire that quickly burned out and smoldered consumed your field of vision and captured your mind. The unease you felt drifted away.
That was until you heard an unfamiliar sound approaching.

Black Thread (CPN) - Part I
RomanceA cowardly man forced to serve an ancient and powerful Witch. A dark and mysterious woman with magic and powers beyond comprehension. She seeks something almost unobtainable. What kind of path will these two walk? What kind of pain awaits them? Wha...