I teleported us to another room within east wing. In this room was every ingredient, chemical or item I would need for cast any and every spell.
I waved my hand an within Cemilian's hand appeared another bag.
"Cemilian do not touch anything in here, nor drop anything I give, understand?"
"Yes, Dark One." He replied with a tremble in his voice he knows what will happen if he fails to do as I instruct.
I opened the scroll, and mulled over everything I would need to lay out a magic circle.
One by one, I gathered the items, and moved them into the bag Cemilian had.
After I had finished gathering everything I needed I waved us back to the room underneath the castle.
"Cemilian put down the bag, then resume your duties if I have need for you I will call for you."
"Yes, Dark One."
Cemilian moved to place the bag down however he had tripped on stone misaligned in the floor. Before he could fall I teleported the bag to my hand. I couldnt allow him to damage any of these rare and valuable ingredients.
"Clumsy oaf! Leave."
"Yes, Dark One, and my apologies."

Black Thread (CPN) - Part I
RomanceA cowardly man forced to serve an ancient and powerful Witch. A dark and mysterious woman with magic and powers beyond comprehension. She seeks something almost unobtainable. What kind of path will these two walk? What kind of pain awaits them? Wha...