You looked over to see a man leaning against the wall. His hair was golden, he was tall, tanned and muscular and wore an extravagant leather surcoat.
He walked directly up to you standing several inches over you.
He grinned deeply like a man who knows he is untouchable.
"This mutt keep trying, but he'll never take the crown. Father knows that the kingdom will collapse if he's in charge mother."
"Savazule, don't speak to your elder brother that way. Cemilian tell him!"
"Yes elder brother tell me, what you really think."
He leaned in close to you, you could feel his eyes narrow at you. You glanced at your mother who wore an expression of determination.
You're eyes locked back on him, you could say anything against him lest you incur your father, no your king's wrath.
You hated it, how right he, both of them were, and you hated that you could not speak against either. You had done so before to ill effect.
"Just, leave me be," you said, your spirit sank as you walked off.
"See mother, he can't and should not be king."
You heard their voices trail off in the distance.

Black Thread (CPN) - Part I
Storie d'amoreA cowardly man forced to serve an ancient and powerful Witch. A dark and mysterious woman with magic and powers beyond comprehension. She seeks something almost unobtainable. What kind of path will these two walk? What kind of pain awaits them? Wha...