It's been almost two weeks since Glynda had departed. The preparations for the spell had been completed. Now I was just awaiting for her return.
I felt I should occupy my time with my usual studies.
When this ends nothing will have changed, my goals still remain the same, except I'll have the time to pursue them.While I was reading the room suddenly became colder, the candles went out, and a shiver went up my spine.
I looked in the corner of the room.
There was a manifestation of that beast.
"Hello, Dark One. Ah, it's so good, to have a voice again," it said in slow whisper.
"What do you want?"
"Hmm, it's not so much, what I want, more so, it's what you'll want."
"And what would that be!?"
"You've lived, so long, without me, you've forgotten about, your curse, your desires and our desires, your instincts, and our instincts. I've, come to remind you, of the approaching night. I've met, your little servant, he seems nice, take care of him."
"You'll do nothing to him, do not touch him ever."
"I won't do anything to him, I promise, but can you say the same."

Black Thread (CPN) - Part I
RomanceA cowardly man forced to serve an ancient and powerful Witch. A dark and mysterious woman with magic and powers beyond comprehension. She seeks something almost unobtainable. What kind of path will these two walk? What kind of pain awaits them? Wha...