"I want the favor that's written on the paper."
I stared at Batari who was just standing there smiling, " . . . Fine," I signed both copies of the contract. "I hereby grant this favor to Batari Yaffe," I sighed softly "I will invite to my home from time to time."
"Yay!" Batari, clapped her hands together with an excited cry.
"Alright, any other questions,"
"None here," Batari replied
"Anyone else," I looked around, no one spoke up. "Very well let's get started," I snapped my teleporting everyone to the room where the ritual would take place.
"Now then, this spell will require you each to focus your magic through those point on the magic circle. That magic will then flow through me allowing me to cast the spell to seal away that damnable beast. Now, be sure that without a doubt that creature will try to stop this ritual with all the strength it can muster. Do not falter, do not, stop. This magic circle will is designed to protect you, again I repeat do not falter. We must continue until the spell has finished. Now then each of you step into one of the circles."

Black Thread (CPN) - Part I
RomanceA cowardly man forced to serve an ancient and powerful Witch. A dark and mysterious woman with magic and powers beyond comprehension. She seeks something almost unobtainable. What kind of path will these two walk? What kind of pain awaits them? Wha...