I walked back to the balcony. I felt powerful unstoppable and merciless.
"What now Elyze? Your witches and warlocks are dead, your advanced party failed, and you are no closer to killing me."
Standing over the guard rail. I saw the few remaining witches striking at my barrier continually trying to breach my spell. Suddenly from behind I felt it, Elyze's murderous intent. Her arms wrapped over my shoulder.
"The game is not over yet 'Dark One', I can still have a bit more fun."
I traced a line in the air, "Sleisen!"
In an instant the back wall was cut in two and Elyze was nowhere to be found. Suddenly I felt it, like the vibrations on a Web alerting the spider. The alarm rung through my body. Each tug on my spell sent a shiver up my spine. It rang in a pattern.
bitter memories stir.
She plucked the strings of spells playing a song, I know from long ago. She's baiting me to come as she moves further into my castle.
I felt her draw close to my private quarters. She was moving closer to the lost wing where my servant sleeps.
She will not have him!

Black Thread (CPN) - Part I
RomanceA cowardly man forced to serve an ancient and powerful Witch. A dark and mysterious woman with magic and powers beyond comprehension. She seeks something almost unobtainable. What kind of path will these two walk? What kind of pain awaits them? Wha...