1. Call me Captain

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This was the biggest day of your life. This was the day you were joining S.H.I.E.L.D. Most people around you seemed nervous, but you were confident. You had been recruited by Tony Stark personally. Sure, these other people had signed up, but you were picked. You were special.

"Welcome to S.H.I.E.L.D Academy," The principal said as they entered the room.

The principal began a long speech about all kinds of nonsense, that sure was important, but you were too busy zooming out. It was fair to say that you weren't a school girl. You never would've imagined seeing yourself in such setting as this. After all just a few months ago you sat alone in your apartment eating noodles and hacking into Stark Industries safety walls. This was a big step, in what many would've describe as the 'right direction'.

Shortly after you were told to split into different groups and meet your mentor's. You followed your group blindly like a sheep in a flock. Along the way you've exchanged names with a couple of other recruits, James and Fatima. They seemed nice enough, as much as you could gather from a couple of sentences.

"Welcome to S.H.I.E.L.D Academy," a familiar voice repeated. A voice that demanded respect. A voice, we all knew. Your eyes ran from your new friends, up to the man in front of you.

It was Captain Freaking America. It didn't matter how many pictures, interviews and books you had seen him in, you were just as taken back seeing him in person. He was taller than you imagined, his shoulders even broader than in the pictures, and his eyes bluer than any paper could print.

With your background, it shouldn't come as a surprise that you weren't exactly a patriot. Hell, if anything you were the opposite. You had seen way too many great people die for a silly little flag. Still, this man in front of you wore it with pride. It made you curious. The flag meant something different back then where he comes from. Though he looked young standing here right in front of you, you bet he had the same old ideals – and nothing is worse than an old man with a ideals. Why? They never change.

"Call me Captain," The man said as he rested his arms on his belt.

"Captain, as in Captain America?" you spit out with a laugh faster than you could process your own train of thoughts.

Steve Rogers eyes shoot towards you. The room went silent. He had that effect on people, and he knew it. A simple look was enough to silence people. Yet, you dared to interrupt him, not only that, but you also clearly had it out for him. You were so small, it didn't help that you tried to stand tall.

"Exactly as in Captain America", Rogers shrugged, his voice stern.

You looked up at him again, a bit surprised. You didn't think he would actually answer. You thought the embarrassing silence he forced upon the room was punishment enough. If Steve Rogers thought you were the type to just sit still and nod like a doll, he was in for a shock. You crossed your arms.

"Very patriotic and personal..." You smiled at him, your voice emphasising the words.

Again, the room was silent.

"What's your name?" he asked.

He knew exactly who you were. You were Tony's recruit. You were the rogue one. Everyone else here had trained for years for an opportunity like this, but you... you were picked up like a needle in a hay stack. Apparently, you had potential, a 'genius waiting to be unlocked' by the words of Tony Stark. Steve had even demanded that he was the one to be your mentor through the academy. He didn't trust for a second that Tony or anyone else for that matter could teach you how to behave other than himself.

"Y/n" you answered short.

Steve began to walk slowly towards you. The sound of each step made your heart skip a beat. You knew you had taken it too far, but you also knew that you couldn't run and hide from Captain America. He stopped only ten inches away from you, forcing you to look up at him.

"Well, Y/n..." his voice darkened.

Hearing him say your name, made your jaw drop.

"The first lesson you'll learn from me... If you want to become a S.H.I.E.L.D agent," he said slowly, making sure you got in every word. He laid a finger under your chin.

"Is to keep your mouth shut," he said softly moving your chin up, closing your lips together.

God shouldn't let you feel the kind of emotions you felt in that second. You were humiliated, yet you wished the touch of his skin would never leave yours. You were confused. Your body and mind were competing against each other. This was new to you. You were a tech person, you relied on systems, but now your own system was crumbling.

"I'm sorry, Captain," you yelped out, trying to hide the fear behind your voice.

Steve looked down at you with a hidden smirk. He enjoyed this - you behaving like a good girl for him.

"That's better, agent" Steve slowly turned around to continue the rest of his introduction. In his mind, he kept replaying the tune of you calling him 'Captain'.

This might turn out to be a blessing in disguise

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