45. Fever Dream

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"Y/n, can I kiss you?" Matthew asked.

You nodded, forgetting he was blind. Matthew begins to laugh.

"You're either shaking your head or nodding, doesn't matter I can't see either," He laughed. Your cheeks turned red.

"God I'm sorry, I defiantly did. I did not, I didn't mean-I just forgot about-about you not see-" You went on a rant, before he cut you off by placing his hand on your cheek.

"It's fine," He laughed with a gentle smile, he leaned in as he softly kissed your lips. It was so soft, it felt like silk against your lips. It warmed up your heart. It felt good. Different than others, but It was good. He leaned his forehead against yours. Taking in the silence.

Why did silence sound like music around Matthew? You were here as a part of your mission, not to keep normal conversations up. You were not here for a friend. Still, you did not want to ask the hard questions, or even push in the right directions. It was scary, that you felt so comfortable with him. You carefully removed his dark glasses and placed them on the table. For once, you just wanted to take in his whole face. Not only that, but you also wanted to see what ticked him.

"Why did you invite me here?" You asked.

"If I recall correctly, you invited me over," Matthew tried to correct you, still with a smirk on his face. You laughed low as you nodded your head. Fair enough.

"You called," You pointed out.

"I wanted to get to know you," he said, innocently letting his hand touch yours.

You nodded slowly and looked down at his hands.

"What if I don't want to get to know you?" You asked, still staring down at his hand brushing your arm ever so carefully. You could feel your heartbeat faster. Matthew could hear it too. His smirk grew bigger.

"Then you would've made this meeting short," He fired back.

This man was too good at answering these questions. It was clear as a day that he worked as a lawyer. He knew how to get out of everything. You looked up at his face.

"How did you find me and Bucky in the hallway at the gala? Matthew we were far off in a hidden corner, you don't just trip over there or hear us," You asked.

Matthew moved his face away, irritated at your questioning.

There, he finally ticked. You knew something was up with this man, and he had fed into your bet.

"And your just a music student hanging out with Captain America's best friends?" He shrugged, placing his hands on the piano.

You looked down at your hand that was now alone. Matthew's touch were now gone. You knew Matthew were smarter than this to realize it was something more about you than your cover, but it didn't matter. You were only here to figure out what he knew. Unlike Jennifer Walters that had been drinking all night, it was clear that Matthew had been at the gala for a purpose.

"Guess you can say I'm lucky," You smiled weakly.

"You were scared," Matthew said, moving his head back in your direction.

You swallowed low. How could he click that? You could feel your pulse beat faster. You didn't like it when people understood your emotions better than yourself. You felt vulnerable.

"Just like now, your heart is beating faster," Matthew said.

You lifted your eyebrows at him.

"How do you-"you were confused at his words.

Then you realize who Matthew were. You immediately stood up from the chair you both had sit on. He was the guy dressed as the devil. He was Daredevil. He was the motherfucker that have fucked up your hand. That had tried to play games with you. Who almost fucked up your whole mission. He was maybe blind, but he could definitely see in other ways.

"Y/n.." Matthew could sense the tension. You were not happy. Not happy at all.

"Why the hell did you need the hard drive?" You asked harshly. You wanted to scream, swear and yell, but you knew better than to let your temper get the best of you. Matthew had been tricking you the whole fucking time. He had zero interest in you. He did this as a way to get into your tech.

"Y/n let's just talk about this?" Matthew tried. Right now, he just wanted you to explode at him, rather than having to describe his actions.

"Why did you need the hard drive?" You repeated. You would give him one more chance before you walked out of here.

"The hard drive contains information about a group I'm following, that's it, that's all," he finally admitted.

You rolled your eyes and walked to grab your jacket. You could hear Matthew was walking right by, trying to catch up with you, he stopped you by grabbing your hand. You took a deep breath. Don't hit him Y/n, don't hit him... You immediately dropped your jacket and threw a fist directly towards his shoulder, but he caught it with his other hand. Fuck, what kind of reflexes was this? You kicked him, but he blocked it.

"Y/n I'm sorry I hurt your arm, but it was just my job," Matthew said, holding a tight grip of your hands.

"Ahhhh, really? Just your job? Since when did being a rogue vigilante become a job? That's just illegal superhero bullshit. Your just too shallow and messed up to be able to work publicly." You said annoyed, pushing him away, but he kept you locked.

"You don't need to like my job-" Matthew began. You took a deep breath. Fuck him.

"So, flirting with me, kissing me, that was also a part of your 'job' right?" You said harshly.

"No, that I... That I just enjoyed," his smirk was back on.

You threw a fist at him the second he didn't pay attention, because he was too busy memorising your kiss causing him to fall to the back.

"Your fucking disgusting," you said, looking over at the foul in front of you.

"Who are you tracking," You asked, not giving him room to react to your temper. You knew you had to keep yourself cold.

"The Hand, they work with HYDRA... They have some information about a friend of mine, that are done with them and are just trying to live their life... I was just there to destroy the hard drive, to make sure nothing gets out," He explained.

You didn't trust him one single bit anymore, but you knew he was speaking the truth right now. It irritated you. Again, you took a deep breath and grabbed your jacket. You got the information you needed. It was no point in staying here anymore. You immediately walked out of the restaurant. You could hear Matthew's steps behind you. You made sure you walked into a busy open street, making it difficult for Matthew to run like Daredevil, and not be seen as this blind fake man running. His steps stopped at a point, and you knew you had lost him.

Saying you were angry was not enough to describe how you felt on the inside. However, deep down you were proud about how you handled the situation. You didn't let your emotions get the best of you. Steve would've been proud... Beside the kiss. The kiss, he would not be proud of at all, but even the kiss had taught you something. It made you realise you had to make some changes into your life. You picked up the phone and dialled in Grant's number.

"Hey, we need to talk," you said, rushing down the streets.

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