4. Tony Stark

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"You know what I like about you Y/n? You're just like me," Tony said as he patted you on your shoulder and looked at the graphs you'd  pulled up.

You had to laugh. You don't know if being 'just like Tony Stark' is the compliment that he thinks that it is, but you knew he meant well, so you took it with a smile. Tony had asked for your help on some digging into HYDRA files that he believed had some relation to a problem that Avengers were trying to solve. You gladly said yes to an opportunity like that, even if it meant it dropping a few classes. Tony was a smart man, and you knew you could learn a great many things from him.

Tony had made many mistakes in the past, but recommending you into the S.H.I.E.L.D Academy wasn't one of them. You were blooming, and he could see a big development just by the two weeks you had been here. After you tried, or rightfully successfully hacked into Stark Industries, Tony had a choice when he found out. Send whoever did this straight to prison, or invite them in. He was not going to lie, before going to 'catch you' he fully thought it would be a grown ass man with some villainous plan, not a bored young woman working for a contractor. The choice was then easy.

"Look up there Tony, at the two circle's," You pointed a finger in the direction. You zoomed in on it.

"J.A.R.V.I.S do a full download and build it out for us," You asked and moved away, standing beside Tony.

You studied the circle's as they began to appear in front of you. It was two circles, as well as lions ingrained into them. You had read a lot of old S.H.I.E.L.D files for former work assignments, and you quickly understood what was going on. You ran over to the desk as you searched up the MI-6 symbol and threw it up against the circle's.

"Coulson team, a while back found out that NASA was funded by HYDRA members. That's why their logo's looks similar..." You mumbled as you threw up the MI-16 logo, over the symbol from the HYDRA documents each other.

"It's the British Secret Intelligence service, Tony..." your jaw dropped as you realized. You looked over at Tony, who threw a fist at the desk and swore. This made perfect sense.

"JARVIS call in the Avengers for a meeting," he demanded.

The thrill of getting something right was amazing. It was like finishing a puzzle. You automatically began packing your stuff. You knew that whatever this mission was had a lot of secrecy. It wasn't appropriate that you stayed for it. You were only here to help Tony, and your part of the job was done. You placed the heavy bag over your shoulder.

"What are you doing?" Tony turned around looking at you confused.

"I thought we were done, so I was leaving?" You said just as confused.

"Are you joking? You were the one figuring out the whole thing!" Tony said, walking towards you waving his hands in the air.

You looked up at him with a little smile. Tony at least appreciated your work. You looked up at him a bit unsure. You were not afraid to take place, but you weren't really that sure that an Avengers meeting was you're arena. They were fighters, and you had your own opinions about that. Plus, Steve would be there, and you were afraid he wouldn't like to see you ditching your classes. He knew your schedule, and he knew you shouldn't be here. You shrugged lightly, and laid down your bag.

"Okay," you said with a weak smile.

"Good, now let's take a mental break for 15 minutes and everyone should be there by then," Tony smiled as he pointed at the couch.

In your head before meeting Tony, you had made up your own ideas of how you thought he was.  What you imagined was a big cold capitalist, and though he is a capitalist, he was also a very nice, warm and welcoming guy. You knew he had the chance to throw you into the wolves, but he took you in, and for that you would always be grateful. 

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