66. The Test

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"The food is really good Y/n," Steve said, eating up his last pieces on his plate.

"Well, I couldn't have done it without the two of you," you said with a smile, looking at the two of them.

"And spice, god, can you imagine we grew up without it?" Bucky said laughing.

You were about to talk, when Steve's Avengers alarm went off. He immediately stood up, giving the two of you an apologising smile. You pressed your lips gently. This was his job, he didn't need to apologise. He walked to the corner of the room. You tried to read his face from here, as you had no chance of hearing him. He didn't seem too worried, rather annoyed. You quickly looked away when he came walking back.

"I have to quickly go by the compound," he said.

"Okay that's fine, don't worry I'll clean up and lock the apartment," you said and jumped off the chair. You took their plates when Steve suddenly stopped you.

"No, it shouldn't take that long, please both stays, I'll be back before you know it," He insisted as he grabbed his things.

You looked up at Bucky unsure.

"You want the two of us to stay?" You asked unsure.

Steve got his jacket on. He was ready to leave. He walked over to you and gave you a kiss at the top of your head.


"It'll be fine, turn on a movie or something," Steve said. He walked past Bucky giving him a clap on the shoulder, then straight out.

Okay. Perfect. You still held into the plate, and you weren't sure if you wanted to let go off them. This was weird. Honestly, you didn't like it. Yes, you and Bucky had been able to sit across each other and eat a meal without bitching at each other, but that was also thanks to Steve being there. He helped breaking the silence. Now with only him here, it felt odd. It felt like a-

"Is this a test?" Bucky said.

Did he read your thoughts?

"Well, he shouldn't worry, I'm not failing. I'm not attracted to you," you said with a stressed laughter.

Bucky bursted into laughter. Bullshit.

You just realised what you had said and put down the plate. It came out wrong, you would gladly admit.

"I didn't mean- I didn't mean it like that?" Your words stumbled.

Bucky couldn't stop himself from laughing, you did not know how to save yourself did you? Did it hurt to play a little around? Nah. He slowly walked over to you. He promised himself he wouldn't touch you. Not because he couldn't control himself, but he also knew he didn't need to touch you to tease you. He placed himself right in front you, only half a meter away. He leaned on his elbow at the kitchen counter, to come down on your eye level.

"You don't find me attractive?" He said low, with a smirk on his lips.

"I didn't mean it like that," You breathed out.

"So, you do find me attractive?" Bucky said, lifting his brow. You were impressive, weren't you?

"What I meant was that on a generic level-" You began.

"On a generic level?" Bucky questioned, laughing.

"On a generic level, any woman would say that they found you attractive, because of your qualities" you tried to correct yourself.

"What qualities?" Bucky asked.

"Well, you are a tall, not disgusting and muscular guy...women have low standards nowdays," You tried to joke, not crossing any line as you spoke.

Bucky could've easily back off from here. It might be cocky, but he understood what you were saying. It wasn't the strangest news to him. However, what was the fun in that? He knew the second he would turn his back, this room would become deadly silent.

"Any woman huh?" He repeated looking directly into your eyes.

You were swimming in the deep, lost in Bucky's eyes. It was so many layers inside of them, like waves. They were quiet now, but you knew it had been a storm inside of him. You were safe in the waters now, but you never knew how long that could possibly last. If it once had stormed, what's to say it won't again? You pushed yourself back to reality.

"Don't flatter yourself," You tried to laugh off as you hit him in his chest, about to turn around, but he straightens himself up as he grabbed your hand and pushed you close to him.

"You failed," he said looking at your hand on his chest.

You looked at your hand. You knew you had lost.

"Any woman would," You whispered. 

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