38. Get out of my fucking dorm!

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"Y/n you couldn't even protect yourself from them" Steve said, trying to soften up his voice as he walked over to you and grabbed your hands.

"Don't you fucking touch me!" You shouted, hitting his hand back at him turning around, stepping away.

"Get out of my dorm," you warned him. 

Steve shook his head.

"Get out of my fucking dorm!" You yelled, pointing at the door.

"Y/n, listen-" Steve tried to shoot in, but your ears were shut.

"Steve, I don't want to fucking hear it. I don't fucking care. Get the fuck out of my dorm now!" You yelled. Steve tried to walk closer, but you immediately walked away.

"I'm not leaving," Steve said, trying to hold his voice down.

You laughed.

"No problem, I'll send a report right now that I have an unwanted man in my dorm to the security," you said walking straight towards to the phone by the kitchen.

Before you were even able to grab it, Steve took your phone and threw it at the floor with force. He knew you weren't joking. You were angry. You were hurt. Steve knew he had stepped too far, but it didn't take away from the reality of it. If you couldn't even protect yourself from being beaten in your own home, how could you protect yourself from real criminals?

It was silent. You looked shocked down at the floor. Your phone was totally broken. Not one piece left. You couldn't try to fix it. It was nothing to fix. You felt numb. You closed your eyes as you felt a tear go down your cheek. It was not because of your stupid phone, but because Steve kept pushing you. Pushing, and hurting. It was an evil circle. How could you be so blind an ignore it. He never respected your boundaries. You had opened up to him, about something no one else on earth knew about you, and he threw it right back in your face at his first chance. You dried your tear.

"Y/n I thought we were alright," Steve said, he was starting to get concerned since you never looked up at him.

"Steve a week ago, you fucked me on the couch and when I begged you to stop, when I cried, you didn't," you said, staring at the phone. You didn't want to look at him.

He turned silent.

"I told you about my family, about how I lived in a violent home. How it hurt me. How it confused me. How can I love someone, who hurt me so much," Your voice was cold, before you looked up at him.

"But I just realised something... Steve, your just like my dad," you said, almost laughing as you fought holding in the tears.

Suddenly you could hear loud knocks at the door. Steve looked confused as you threw a fist at the counter.

"You see, my phone is too valuable to just get broken. It automatically alarms... Well, the Avengers," you said, as the door got broken down.

Tony and Natasha came around the corner. You could see Steve's skin turn paler and paler. He could see his life flash in front of his eyes. He looked like a sick man. As evil as it might be, Steve got exactly what he deserved. He had zero excuse, nothing to get out of this one. Was this what you wanted? Getting him caught together with you in your dorm, absolutely not. You were 100% prepared to lie your way out of whatever would happen from here. You see, Steve might think you are a bad liar... a bad fighter... a bad fucking human being, but it's a reason you have come as far as you have, without any help. You had a feeling your true self, had to come out of the shell.

"What is going on Y/n? Your phone is- Steve?" Tony asked confused as he jumped out of his armor.

"What are you doing here Steve?" Natasha followed up with the same question.

You looked up at Steve, curious to see where he was going with this.

Time to fucking shine, Captain freaking America. 

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