81. Agent

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"I do not like how you're blurring the lines," Steve rested his hands on his waist.

You couldn't help but notice how a button popped when he widened his chest. You swallowed low. You were not going to let him take you down with his absurd moral ground or his looks. At one point he had to trust that the two of you had the same goal. Taking down HYDRA. Your ideals were the same overall, with minor differences. If you could ignore his flaws, and believe it or not, even Captain America had flaws, he should learn to ignore yours. You looked up into his eyes.

"I am not blurring any lines," You said, crossing your hands.

Steve laughed, looking to the side.

"Your meeting with obvious bad guys, were not scared of the fact that they were bearing weapon, promised yourself away to them and bribed the host to get the room, you are blurring the lines, agent," Steve pointed out everything, as he slowly looked over at you with a smirk on his face.

He knew exactly what he was doing calling you agent, rather than your name. You hadn't heard him call you that in months. He was doing it to get under your skin. You lifted up your chin. If he was going to play dirty with you, he left you with no choice. You would push him straight in to the mud, face first.

"Sebastian is not an obvious bad guy, he works for the CIA, you're just naive enough to think that everyone in CIA are good people. as A reminder you called them trusted allies in your lessons," You said, sometimes the truth could be more painful than lies. It was also impossible for Steve to argue the truth.

"Great, so a dirty CIA agent," Steve mumbled under his breath.

"I have known Sebastian since I was 15 and started in this business, 'his men' are called Paul, Alejandro, Ruben and Ali, all of them I have more dirt on them than god dares to see," You explained to him. Certain things you were not joking about.

"How many of these people do you know?" Steve asked frustrated, waving his hand towards you.

"You don't want to know," You warned him.

Steve took a deep breath.

"You are still keeping tabs on your old network?" Steve tried to lower his voice, cause even him noticed that his temper was going high.

"Yes, Captain I do, as any agent with my specialized network would do, as I was recruited to do. If you have any concerns towards my network and how I use it, advise you take it up with my main employer, Tony Stark, captain," You said explicitly clear. You were not joking around.

Hah, now you were just being blunt. Steve bit the inside of his chin. He didn't know what to say. It was rare. You were being honest, and Steve might not like the truth, but it was little he was able to do to change it. He looked up at the roof. This all felt wrong. This wasn't how the Avengers were supposed to behave or work. He had to remind himself that this wasn't actually an Avengers mission, it was... your mission.

"Your over your temper tantrum, captain?" You asked.

He stayed silent.

"Good," you kept it short and precise as you placed the suitcase on the table.

You unlocked it, and let it fall open. It was digits upon digits with spy tools. Was it fully legal equipment? No. Was that going to stop you from using it? No you had requested it for a reason. Steve was too dumb and ill-advised to even know. He might got the muscle, but he had further to go in the tech world. You noticed his eyes studying the digits. He walked slowly over to you, and began to pick up the equipment, studying them. You picked up two ID's and handed one over to him.

"Here Mr. Johnson, I hope your ready to work with the CIA on project E.S.S.E.X, a collaborative initiative with MI-5," You said, smiling.

Steve was not a man to speak ill of people or use foul language, but at this moment, he had to work hard to keep himself back. This wasn't his lane. He didn't like acting like he was someone he wasn't. He always believed that you should face the enemy directly, front to front. Hiding like this, it was a cowards game. You... were a coward.

He watched as you walked towards the door. It irritated him that even in this setting, where he was frustrated with your behavior, he could not avoid noticing how elegant you were. How your hips swung from side to side as you crossed the room. The dress hugging your curves perfectly. Steve looked down, took a deep breath. He had needed to take more of those recently.

"First day at work begin tomorrow, Mr Johnson," You said, looking back at him as you opened the door.

Steve slowly walked out towards you, stopping in the door frame. He looked at you.

"We need to speak about your past," Steve said.

You laughed low, before you wrapped your hand around his neck. Letting your fingers play with his hair, before you leaned up to him, softly kissing his lips.

"You know all you need to know, my husband," You whispered.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26 ⏰

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