10. Truth and Gossip

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"I can't believe your going out with Grant Ward, GRANT WARD AND IT'S A DATE," Fatima almost yelled out of excitement as you entered your next class. You looked at her and laughed. You lifted a finger signalizing that she could be a bit more silent about it so not the whole class could hear it. She rolled her eyes at you and looked up at James.

"You agree that this is pretty insane?" She said, waiting for James to respond, but before he even got the chance, someone cut him off.

"What is 'pretty insane' agent Lilza?" Steve said as he walked straight past the three of you and up to the front of the class.

Steve heard fully well what Fatima had said, but he didn't want to believe it. It was only three days since your very intimate encounter, and here you were looking to date others. Steve had never even heard of the guy, and he didn't have too, to know that he was far from good enough for you. If this was truly how little your shared moment meant to you, then he could play the same ball right back at you.

"Nothing Captain," Lilza said staring over at you in fear, and you right back at her.

Lilza had no idea of what had happened between you and Captain Rogers, you hadn't told anyone. You couldn't tell anyone! First, the whole thing was weird, good, embarrassing, good, strange, good, humiliating, and good. It was so good, and you hated that you felt this way about it. Second, Steve said it himself, this only happened because he needed a hand. This could've happened to anyone. Third, but not at least, you were embarrassed that you had opened up about your sexual history to Captain America.

You really didn't want to tell the whole class and Captain America that you were going out on a date with Grant Ward. They had nothing to do about it, and you wanted this to be special, for you and Ward. Like Ward said, you owe him that much after messing up his mission and then join S.H.I.E.L.D. Lilza couldn't tell Steve or the class.

"Agent Lilza, you were shouting after the clocked ticked, in my classroom, in my combat session, I want to know why," Steve demanded of Fatima.

Fatima never stopped looking at you, even though Steve was the one talking. Guess this is how you know they're a true friend. If they stick up for you instead of bowing to Captain America in a second. Steve began to slowly walk towards her before you took one step in front of her. You were doing what Tony did for you, for Fatima.

"She was just excited for me Captain as I got asked to go on a date with this guy for our one-month anniversary at the academy, are you going to ask everyone else in the class who they are brining?" You said, placing your hands on your hips.

Steve stopped as he just looked at you. In his head, he imagined he was just back on that chair together with you helping him out. He smiled shortly and placed out a laugh of the thought. You really thought you were doing something right now, didn't you? Steve gently backed off as he leaned back to the rest of the class.

"That was aggressive," Fatima whispered, you gave her a nod.

"You tell me about it," you whispered back.

It didn't take long before you faded into one of Steve's extremely boring combat sessions. It was honestly so draining to watch. The only fun part was... well watching Steve. You were no better than anyone, of course you couldn't stop thinking about what had happened, good and for bad. In your head, you sometimes heard Steve's voice he complimented your work. It warmed up your heart. You just wanted to know what more you could do for him. Before you knew it, James snapped his fingers in front of you as the class was done.

You looked up at your two friends as you realized. Good, you were back in the real world again. You picked up your gym bag, as you walked towards the wardrobe together with the others. Suddenly you hear Steve shout for you, asking you to stay. You stopped in your tracks, as your friends look back at you. You give them a short smile, telling them to just go as you turn around to see Steve, not taking a step in his direction.

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