75. I'm not your wife

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"It's a scientist called Nathaniel Essex, mostly connected to his... work... on mutants, it's rather terrifying, and I believe they've been fighting for decades. Within the mutant and science community we call him Mr. Sinister, because-" You explained looking at the pictures before Steve rudely interrupted you.

"I get it, his work is evil" He almost hissed at you. Ah, he needed you to finish talking. Your horrifying words didn't scare him, he needed a time out. You looked at him confused before you continued.

"In the past Sinister had worked with HYDRA, and as I said, I genuinely believe HYDRA is connected to this, no matter how you feel about it," You know you were harsh, but you needed to state your case when it came to Steve and this. You could already sense him rolling his eyebrows at you.

"Before you say anything, look at this," you said zooming in with your fingers at a picture.

Steve got silent.

"You recognize who that is?" You said looking over at him.

"Crossbones," Steve whispered.

You breathed out relieved that he admitted to the similarities.

"But the thing is, I don't think it's the same Crossbones, not the crossbones you've met in the past," You said softening up your voice. You had already proved your point.

Steve smiled softly looking into your eyes.

"They look the same," he said.

"I believe it's a clone... Look up at his forehead, do you see that paler area, it's shaped like a diamond, Mr. Sinister footprint," You said looking up at him.

"So what's your plan?" Steve asked curiously.

You got silent. No, no, no Steve thought to himself. You had done so well for him. You could finish him... this off. Steve needed fresh air, but it was still 30 minutes into landing, so he could only be dreaming. Were you really thinking to just waltz into two super criminals and do nothing? You couldn't be that ridiculous.

"Please tell me you have a plan," Steve stated after a minute of silence.

"I do, I do!" You insisted waving your hands.

You lied. You didn't really have a plan. Steve crossed his arms looking at you, waiting for you in pleasure to open your mouth.

"My plan is to... I.. I actually made fake ID, and gonna infiltrate M15 I.T department... than after that... I... was gonna.. I was gonna..." That was about it that you had planned.

"Revise the situation,"

"Y/N!" Steve groaned in disappointment.

You turned off the screen, you were not about to be lectured by Steve. You immediately stood up when a flight attendant almost ran towards you pointing at the belt sign that was lit.

"Ma'am you need to return to your seats and turn on your belt," she insisted. You rolled your eyes as you sat down. She still stood there looking at the two of you. You looked up at her confused.

"May you tell your wife to take on her belt," She said.

You looked at her shocked. Speechless. You could hear the sound of Steve's lips smiling from ear to ear. Did she really call you 'his wife'. You wanted to vomit. Yes, you liked Steve, but marriage would never, ever be on the table. You were not his. At all, in any universe or scenario. It was also ridiculous for her to look at Steve to tell you to do anything. Steve wasn't the boss of you.

"I am sorry, Ma'am, but I am not his wife, and second of all who do you think you are, this man beside me is not the boss-" You said pointing your hands between the people mentioned in frustration.

"Ignore her, it's her first time flying," Steve said with a big smile leaning over you to grab the belt and put it on you. You looked at him shocked.

"I'll take care of her, mind getting us some alcohol? It would help my wife calming down," Steve said, the flight attendant appreciated Steve's soft tone and did as said.

You looked at Steve when he returned leaning back on his seat. He was over the moon. You didn't need to be good at socializing to understand that. You looked confused up at the lady when she returned with three different options, Steve just told her to leave it all here. You looked down at the drinks. You were not taking them. You didn't need them. First of all, you were not nervous. Second, you had taken flights before. Third, you were not his wife. Fuck, you needed them. You swallowed down a small bottle of vodka in one massive gulp. You could hear the sound of Steve laughing. You looked up at him annoyed.

"I am not your wife," You hissed at him before the lady returned with his bank card.

"Are you okay sir?" The lady said.

Ah, what a bitch. You looked up at her. Why was she making such a fuzz about the two of you. You then noticed that she sincerely only looked at Steve. Not at you. Interesting you thought to yourself. You looked confused over at him.

"Were fine," Steve smiled, not knowing what the lady was speaking about.

"You sure, you seem a bit uncomfortable in your seat?" She said pointing to his weird sitting position.

That's when you locked the issue. You began to laugh. He was such a rat. You crossed your arms, looking back up at the lady.

"My husband is fine, I'm sure" ah, the alcohol had definitely hit you. The second she was gone you turned to face Steve and pushed his leg down. You were right.

"Tell me, was it the moment I told you that Hydra is still active, when I explained how science work, or when she called me your wife that turned you on the most?" You asked teasingly. 

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