58. Back to Normal

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Why did this feel like the 'walk of shame', you asked yourself as you walked into the busy corridors. You had music bagging on your headphones to avoid the anxiety of hearing people talking behind your back. It was enough watching them as they began to whisper to each other. You held your breath. The way you could so easily destroy their lives with just a couple of taps on your phone, was enough knowledge to keep you at peace. Suddenly you felt a hand tapping you on your shoulder.

"We get that you're ignoring the assholes around here, but are you ignoring your friends too?" James asked, with Fatima standing right beside him. You smiled relieved and put the headphones around your neck.

"The two of you are my only highlight about having to come back here," You said as you hugged them tight.

"You look different," Fatima pointed out, looking at your clothes.

First of all, you were wearing pants

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First of all, you were wearing pants. Long and loose pants. Second, you wore a blouse. Again, long and loose. Third, you had minimal make up on, just a soft colour on your lips and your hair elegantly set up. You smiled weakly at her comment. You had gone shopping over the last week, as you had realised you wanted to try something new. Blending in. Not drawing attention. Not that you had tried to do that before in anyway, but it felt like it was time for you to not be so... you.

"Does it look bad?" You asked, looking down. Fatima laughed low as she gave you a big smile.

"Absolutely not, I like it. It's elegant," she said.

"Chic," James added in.


All of you laughed as you walked into the next session together. You were thrilled that at least you could begin this whole journey soft, with a lab session, even better it was a tech session. You knew, and your teacher knew, that you were far beyond where the class was, so the two of you always had a silent agreement that you could kind of just sit there and tuckle with your own little tools.

It had been busy to say the least for Steve. He had been thrown into missions and had to get around the academy again. He had lost out on time, but he was relieved to be back. He might not express it, but he did enjoy working here. Training new agents, seeing them grow was a passion of his. It reminded him of the old days. It was his first day back, but he was also aware that it was your first day back as well.

He had not talked or communicated with you since you left the mansion, he hadn't even spoken to you while you were still there. He had wanted to but chosen to stay away. He was more than self-aware enough that you needed space. You were angry, which to be fair Steve thought you were most of the time, but he recognized that it was more than usual. You needed to get your temper down and move on without him, until the two of you should see each other again.

That still didn't mean he wasn't excited to see you. Of course, he would never admit that to a living soul, but deep down he could admit he was... attached to you. However, he had noticed that you did not show up to class, not as normal and when he checked his papers, he realised you were not even on them, not as much as before. Steve kept his cool throughout the day, wondering where you were.

And there, he saw you. He was just walking by to his next session, when he caught the sight of you inside the lab. You seemed to be in deep concentration. He always liked watching you when you were like this. Seeing you focus. It was good. It meant you were working, even if it was on one of your dumb screens, he had grown fond of just watching... you. You looked beautiful today, as always, but today was different. You looked at peace. Steve couldn't help but stop and watch. You were talking passionately together with your professor as you were showing them something. If Steve had to guess it was something related to coding. He had seen Tony work on similar stuff.

Hah, there you did it again. You tickled with your fingers when you got excited and didn't know what to do with your hands. Steve had noticed those things about you. How you grew so eager that they just began to shake. He couldn't stop himself from smiling. You looked happy. Which he guesses he should be glad for. Somehow, he still wishes that he was the one you were talking to. He could sense that his time was up, and before you could catch him, he disappeared into thin air.

You look up as you got a weird warm feeling. A feeling like someone was watching you. But it was no one outside. It felt funny. You tried to shake it off your shoulders. You looked over to the teacher, giving her a slight smile. You packed your bag and walked out. Maybe being back here wasn't that bad. At least you got to talk to people who had an interest in your world. 

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