35. Carrot Cake

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The sun shined through the curtains, hitting your face ever so softly. You opened your eyes slowly. You immediately began to smile. You could feel Steve's hands tightly wrapped around you. You carefully turned around, trying to not wake up Steve. Ah, there his beautiful face was. Steve had a tiny smile, even while sleeping. It was difficult to imagine that this was the same man that would shout at you if you didn't hit a punching bag correctly. You rested your hand on his arm, as you began to run your fingers in soft circles on his shoulder.

"Good morning," Steve suddenly whispered.

"Good morning," You laughed low.

Steve opened his eyes. Steve couldn't believe it. You were even more beautiful today than yesterday. Your hair was all loose, your skin was glowing, and your natural scent was amazing. Steve looked down at his shoulder where your fingers were going in circles. He smiled. He liked it when you touched him. It also meant that you were opened to being touched. Steve pulled you even closer to him, lifting you so you laid at the top of him.

"You have grown a big habit of staring at me in sleep without waking me up" Steve gently teased.

"You looked so peaceful," You laughed, wrapping your hand around his neck.

"I am a very peaceful man," Steve laughed with you.

"No, no, no, no, you can use many words to describe you positively, but not peaceful," You said, pointing a finger against his chest every time you said the word 'no'. Steve smirked.

"Which words would you use?" Steve teased.

Kind. Steve could be very kind. Loyal. If you needed him there, he would be there in a heartbeat. Beautiful. His blue eyes reminded you of your favourite thing, water. Long as you were looking into his eyes, you knew you would stay afloat. And finally, strong. Of course, Steve was strong physically, but that wasn't what you meant. Steve was strong in the sense that you had never met a man like Steve with such strong will power. No man had gotten you to bow down, and you did it repeatedly for Steve.

"Kind, loyal, beautiful and strong," you said.

Steve began to laugh.

"Beautiful?" He repeated surprised.

Steve was not used to hearing such word to describe himself. He had heard word like handsome, good looking, but never beautiful. Beautiful was such soft word. People usually used harsher words to describe him. Steve thought of himself as perhaps even the opposite of soft, he was rough. He was a square guy, that was rough around the edges. Steve couldn't help but be fascinated but your answer.

"Your eyes remind me of the water," You explained, smiling. You looked directly into his eyes.

"Growing up, swimming and diving were my favourite thing... I'm probably better underwater than above," You laughed low.

"So your eyes, remind me of what I love the most," You finished your explanation.

Steve almost thought something was wrong with him, when he felt his heart skip a beat. Your explanation almost sounded like poetry. He had told himself yesterday, after seeing you with Grant, that he needed to put his jealousy aside. That he should not crave more from you than what the two of you already had, but man it felt unfair. How could he not wish that he was the one dating you, waking up with you, not having to hide, how could he not fall in love with you.

You moved up a little higher and kissed his lips. Steve ran his fingers up and down your naked back. If you two could be affectionate like this more often, Steve might be able to control his urges more. Believe it or not, Steve wanted this too. Just being here with you, talking... relaxed. Steve leaned up and kissed your lips back.

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