60. Pre-workout

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"I hate how fast you are," James shouted as the two of you ran on the treadmill.

You laughed low and jumped off grabbing your water bottle. You took deep breaths, letting your body catch up with you. James jumped off and looked you up and down. You were wearing tight gym shorts, and a black matching top. He might be gay, but he understood why the guys couldn't help but look over at you. He took a sip of his drink and watched as Mr Rogers entering the room. James hit your shoulders playfully hinting for the two of you to get over to the rest of the class.

"Today we're practicing our kicks for..." Steve looked up from his papers when his eyes caught you.

He had forgotten how difficult it was having you in his sessions.

"For the physical test in four weeks," He quickly continued.

Ugh, was it something you hadn't forgot, it was how much you hated these sessions. It was a session where you knew you would just get yelled at. Not only that, for the first time in many years you were nervous. All the other physical tests you have had so far worked to your advantage, cause it was solely how to get from A to B kind of tests. You could use logical. This upcoming test was going to kill you. It was all pure strength tests, checking how well you did in every independent practice. 

Everyone split up, so naturally you went together with James. You tried to hold your distance to Steve. You didn't even look at him, not his eyes. You knew to well that here, in the gym... You tended to get the wrong thoughts about him. Thoughts you were currently working on rejecting. You held the bag for James as he began to kick it. Jesus, James was the perfect field agent. He was incredible strong, but his combat skills was beyond normal. It was terrifying working out with someone this good, but you knew you needed it. James grabbed the bag after ten minutes, alluding for you to begin. You swore under your breath and let go off the bag. You took a step back as you tried to kick it.

"Fuck," You swore.

You caught Steve's attention. He turned around as he saw you and James working on your kicks. You struggled. The problem wasn't your kicks itself, it was the level of power you put in it. Steve had... personal experiences that confirmed that you weren't exactly the strongest one in the group. He frowned when he saw James catching your leg. His hand was a little bit to high up for Steve's preference. He was clearly explaining something, but Steve still didn't like it. No one was supposed to touch you.

"You know,  it wouldn't hurt if you put some power into it," James teased you.

"I'm trying!" You said annoying.

"How are you doing Miss Y/l/n?" Steve asked, as James immediately let go off your foot.

You bit your underlip, closed your eyes enjoying the peace before you looked up at Steve. Shit, he looked good. He was wearing black shorts, with a long black form fitting gym shirt. The shirt hugged his muscles so perfectly, you couldn't help but look. You were no better than any of the other girls in the class. James pinched you as he realised you were drifting off somewhere. You looked up at Steve's eyes, surprised by your own action.

"No, I'm-I'm fine," you lied, trying to stand still.

Steve laughed. Who were you trying to fool? He noticed how you drifted off to your own little fantasy land. You were checking him out. Steve couldn't judge you either, it wasn't like he hadn't already undressed you with his eyes. He looked up at the bag hanging. You were allowed to have a little fun. He smirked.

"James, will you hold the bag for Miss Y/l/n?" Steve kindly asked, and of course James did as asked.

Steve walked closer to you. Grabbed you by your waist, slowly moving you one step further back. Your back against his body. Fuck, he could feel your ass against his... Steve swallowed low before he walked to the front. He pointed at the bag.

"Kick," He repeated. Trying to keep his voice neutral.

You did as asked,  kicking as hard as you could, but Steve shrugged unhappily. Look, this was why you hated these sessions. Steve walked back to you. He laid one hand on your hip.

"Lift with your knee," He whispered.

Ah, he stood so close it was difficult to concentrate. You gave him a nod.

"Can you lift your knee for me... now?" He asked, looking down at you. He knew exactly what was going on in your head.

You blushed when you realised what he meant. You felt beyond stupid. You shut your eyes, trying to refresh. You opened your eyes. This was okay, you were okay? You were cool. The coolest actually. You lifted your knee up as he said. He placed his hand on your bare thigh. You take it back. You were not cool. Not at all. You gasped for air, as you felt his other hand on your waist. What the hell was he doing?

"Now, when you kick, bend your hip as you..." Steve said, letting his hand on your thigh sneak up as he demonstrated the kick for you. You were struggling to pay attention, and honestly, if it wasn't for all the other students here, his hands would've gone futher up your inner thigh than now.

"Kick," he finished as he let go off you.

You did as he said. He smiled pleased. At least your posture was right this time. He crossed his arms. You kicked the bag, but again, it was too little strength to it. He had warned you about this since the first time you met here in the gym. You lacked strength. You had to worker harder... for him, to get it, but you were selfish and lazy. Now look where this got you.

"Now kick up here," Steve pointed higher up on the bag.

You did as he said.

"Good, now here," he said pointing higher.

The two of you bounced off each other like this, until you reached the top. Steve caught your leg at the top. Look at you spreading your legs so nicely for him.

"Obviously the excursion is not the problem," Steve said slowly, looking at your gorgeous legs. How he wishes he stood in between them.

"Your very good at spreading your legs, very gymnastic," Steve teased as he let go off your leg. The comment even got James gasping, but Steve didn't care. He just wanted to make it clear to James, even if it was subtly that you... were his territory only.

"You need to work on your strength," He said, clapping the bag as he let go off your leg.

Your cheeks were burning. You didn't want to believe what Steve just had said. It was wrong. You had to misheard it. He stood closer to James as he said it. It was almost like Steve said it to him, not you. You turned around and kneeled to your water bottle taking a big sip. You were done. You looked up at the wall, all of them was mirrors. You could see the reflection of Steve's eyes on your body. He smirked when he finally saw that you had caught him. He wanted you to know that he was watching you.

Steve turned his back to you. This was a good session.

"Thank you for today's session, I'll see all of you tomorrow, we'll practice our form," he said loudly to the class.

Steve talked to some of the agents as the people disappeared out of the room. It got quieter and quieter. It was how he preferred it. Quiet. It meant he had time to focus on himself. He suddenly heard a water bottle getting closed. He slowly turned around.

"Are you not going to show me which exercises I need to do, Captain?" You asked, tilting your head.

Steve smirked, good girl.

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