22. Temptation

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It was late. You should've been asleep, long time ago. Still, you were up starring up at the tv. The boiler was on, waiting for the moment you could prep your noodles. Your room-mate Katie had just left to go and buy some more chocolate for the two of you at the night kiosk around the corner. See, Katie might be messy, but she was a nice room mate. She cared for you, but also not in an annoying way. She knew you were going through things, but also didn't ask questions about it. You were thankful for it.

Finally, it was time. The alarm went off the boiler and you ran up from your comfortable seat you had in the couch. How could this tiny little thing, make you this happy? You opened the noodle boxes, added in the boiled water and spices as you waited. It was only minutes until you could enjoy this magical box. To make time go faster you started playing silly games on your phone. It didn't take long before you carefully moved the two boxes to the couch and placed it on the table in front of you. Fuck, of course you spilled some of the noodle water on you. You looked down at your big oversized Tom and Jerry t-shirt. Ah, it's fine. Happily you ignored it, and took a big mouthful of noodles as you began starring at the screen. Again, animations. Your favorite, Tom and Jerry running. It was a good way to disconnect your brain after a heavy work day.

The door suddenly began to knock.

Weird, normally Katie would just walk in with the help of her key, but perhaps she had her hands full and needed help opening it. You stood up, considering if you should leave the noodles or just bring them with you. Ah, better take them with you. You walked over to the door and opened it up with a big smile, and moved to the side for Katie to walk past.

"Come in, it took you long enough-" you said giggling taking another bite before you pushed your head up.


That was not Katie.

"Ah, how nice, you've been waiting for me?" Steve smirked.

Your whole demeanor changed.

Steve loved this, he could see the cheer panic in your eyes as your eyes met each other. You immediately looked down, scanning your outfit. You looked adorable. You wore a way too big t-shirt, your hair was in a messy bun, and by the look of it you were feeding yourself with horrible food. Steve couldn't help but laugh on the inside, not only did he think that you made horrible decisions regarding the academy, work but it looks like you even made questionable decisions privately.

Oh my god, you couldn't believe your eyes. Why did Steve freaking Rogers stand outside your fucking door. You wanted to throw up, here right now in this moment. You were wearing a stained over sized t-shirt, no makeup, your hair everywhere, with noodles in your hands. You felt ridiculous. But over all of these issues, you were confused why Steve, stood outside your room. Last time you meet in the hallway, it ended badly, both for you and another student. It was not a good sign. Plus, it would send up alarms.

"What the hell are you doing here?" You said, pointing your fork at him.

Steve laughed.

"And here I thought you missed me?" He said, tilting his head to the side.

"You cannot be here, Katie is on her way, oh my god what if someone sees you-" you said waving the fork stressed, trying to think what could be the right next step.

You suddenly heard steps outside. You peaked your head out, it was not Katie, just Becky who belonged at the end of the corridor, who happened to be a massive gossip. Fuck. You looked up at Steve, she hadn't caught the eye of him yet. Or at least that's what you thought. You immediately grabbed Steve's arm and pushed him inside, closing the door.

"Go out the fire stairway, Katie is coming any minute-" You rushed him pointing at the window.

Steve had for long falling of the trainwreck of words you were babbling out. You still kept going. Instead, he relaxed stepped in to your dorm. Hmmm, you were messy. That's something we had to work on. Books were laying everywhere, clothes stacked, bag of chips opened laying around. You clearly had some bad habits. Steve walked towards the tv screen. It was the same cat and mouse you had on your t-shirt. Steve laughed, pointed to the tv and then back up at your t-shirt.

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