47. Lying like a child

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You were neck deep in your fourth drink within in an hour, and at this point even if your heart felt heavy, you felt like you were flying. You had no idea what bar you were at, you just went to the closet one to the mansion. The place didn't really matter, the only thing that matter was that they had alcohol. You felt like pure shit on the inside.

Grant was a lovely guy, a perfect guy some might even argue. You fucked him over only to simply follow your heart. When you heard it know you realized how childish it sounded and you felt ashamed. You stood for your actions, but it still felt awful. Grant was perfect. Your dad would've loved him. Maybe that's why you didn't...

"You need to relax on the alcohol," You suddenly heard Bucky say as he grabbed your 5-tequila shot.

"Stop it, I need it!" You shouted, trying to catch your glass again.

He rolled his eyes before he shot the glass down for you, not even giving you a chance to swallow it down.

"Since I came in 10 minutes ago, I've seen you swallow two of those, with a cocktail," Bucky said, turning around, leaning on the side on the counter.

"Well, I'm going through something" you said frustrated at the man, as you waved the bartender to give you another shot.

"Clearly, what's going on doll?" He asked.

"Never call me that again," you said as the bartender gave you a shot.

You grabbed the glass aggressively as you shrugged it down. It was something so painfully good with the way the alcohol lingered down your throat. It was burning. You deserved to burn. This was good for you. You were hurt on the inside, but you almost wanted physical pain. It was easier to handle. You smashed the glass down on the table.

"Be careful, or you going to break the glass and hurt yourself," Bucky said, grabbing your hand from the glass.

"I god damn deserve it," you said harshly finally turning your chair around so you were facing him.

Bucky could see that you were hurt. Not only hurt, but you were also severely drunk. Still, to be both those things you seemed awfully well put together. You were wearing a dark blue suit, the jacket was off hanging on the chair, with a white blouse. It was transparent, hinting at your lingerie underneath. He smirked for a second, before he looked up at your face, trying to get himself together. You were sad. This wasn't the right time...

"I broke up with Grant," you said.

"Really?" Bucky said surprised, with an undertone of happiness.

"Why are you saying that like it's a good thing?" You said lifting your eyebrows.

"You know exactly why I think it's a good thing," Bucky said with a laugh, hinting at Steve.

You laughed as you stole his glass of beer. You didn't even enjoy beer, still you took a big shrug of it, put it down, before you laid a hand on his shoulder.

"Me breaking up with Grant means nothing to me and Steve, I still hate him," you said, trying to look Bucky in his eyes. However, you were so drunk that focusing your eyes at one point seemed difficult.

"Ahhh, you always hated him," Bucky said, innocently moving a step closer.

You laid your other hand around his neck and looked at him dead serious.

"I'm done with men, Bucky," you said.

He immediately began to laugh.

"I am," You repeated.

He stepped closer, as he leaned his forehead against yours. His hands on your highchair. He knew you were drunk, but c'mon. He was a fool if he didn't even play around with you a little bit. You were here, severed to him on a silver plate. It was basically meant to be.

"Y/n you're not done with men," he said moving his head playfully against yours.

You laughed as you looked into his pretty blue eyes.

"I am done with me-" you said with a big smile.

Bucky didn't even let you finish before he leaned in kissing your lips. His lips were harsh against yours. They were painful... You deserved pain. You let your hands wrap around his neck as you begin to kiss him back. You absolutely hated Bucky, but Bucky could give you something that no one else could in this moment. Pain.

Bucky was happily surprised when he could feel your silk soft lips move along with him. They tasted like honey, with a strong alcohol flavour still lingering on your lips. He felt your hands wrap around him, so he innocently let his hand go up your thighs u to your waist, holding you steady in the chair. He then slowly moves his face away, with a smirk.

"Your done with men?" He asked playfully.

You're lips tighten in a smile as you nodded slowly.

"It was a mistake," you said tilting your head.

"Hmmm, I see... So, if I kiss you again, you won't kiss me back?" He said leaning his head in.

You nodded.

He took the challenge.

He leaned in kissing your lips.

You took the bet and kissed him back.

It was something so addictive about Bucky's kisses in this moment. You couldn't stop yourself from wanting to kiss him more. His lips were so playful, like you were two kids on a playground having fun together. Bucky grabbed your hand, taking you down the chair. Your lips still brushing against each other till he stood back.

"Let's sit down," Bucky said guiding you to a booth.

Was what Bucky was doing wrong? Yes, completely wrong. He knew that. Steve wouldn't like it if he just took his girl without consent from him. However, Steve had been dumb about you since the second he saw you. He walked around, trying to play it whatever he would excuse as safe, and it backfired at him. Bucky was at least honest and was planning to be honest. He sat down in the booth beside you, resting a hand on your upper thigh, as he looked down at you.

"You're a bad kisser, you know that right?" You lied like a child.

Bucky laughed as he grabbed your face with his other hand and hovered over you kissing your lips passionately. He knew you were only playing games with him. If you got your will, you two would've already be fucking in the back of this bar, however, Bucky wanted to play out the rules with you. Take it slow... Slow... Bucky's hands were slowly moving up your thigh between your legs. He didn't need to say a word before you opened them. Good girl.

"You don't really want to do this," Bucky said in between the kisses., stopping his hand. He needed to focus.

"I do," You hisked desperatly between kisses as you looked up at him with your baby eyes.

Bucky looked down at you. You did seem to mean it. Your eyes were so desperate. Like you were craving something. He smiled and looked at the door. He badly wished he could just fuck you right here and then, he didn't want to lose momentum, however – you deserved better than that. He looked down at you.

"You want to go home with me?" he asked, one finale time. 

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