24. Princesses Don't cry

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"Steve," you were shaking.

That's when Steve for the first time looked down at you, meeting your grace. Shit. Tears was falling down your face. He could feel your fingers on your back, finally relaxing after scarring up his back. He knew it was blood. He should feel bad. You were crying, because of him, but he was still on such high adrenalin run. Steve swore low before he cupped your face caringly, brushing away your tears, trying to make you relax.

"You did really well," He whispered into your lips, finally pulling out.

Your eyes were big, bigger than they had ever been. Did Steve mean it? You had done well? It felt horrible. Like you had lost something, a piece of yourself. If this was how it truly felt when you did good, you were confused. You were always confused around Steve. It hurt, it was painful, and you weren't ready – it made you even more unsure why you... you also liked it. You found a sick twisted pleasure in it.

"Don't cry, princesses don't cry," Steve kissed your tears away.

Steve knew what he did was wrong. Not only that, he knew it was wrong in the moment and still did it. He knew you could take it, or... he wanted you to be able. It was only a matter of time before it had to happen anyway. Steve had waited so long for you, and with this Grant guy walking around... He just wanted to make sure that he was the first one. If Bucky was right about him, Steve had just saved you from way more pain than what Grant could cause you. Was Steve being selfish? Absolutely. Did he care? No. You were his, and he was tired of playing around it.

Still, Steve knew that unless he got you in a better mood faster, he would get in serious trouble. Not only that, but you needed to be in good shape for the day. In about 8 hours you were supposed to lead your first field mission, and right now he was almost afraid you couldn't walk. Fuck, he could've timed this better, Steve thought to himself. Steve carefully stood up, lifting you up bride style, walking you into the bathroom. Placing you up on the sink. These dorms were ridicules, the showers were incredibly tiny. You should've been at his place, not in these tiny dorms.

Steve turned on the shower, waiting for a good temperature. He looked over at you. Your lips were bright red and plum, your body shining from sweat, your hair was loose after falling out of the bun. You were staring at the shower. You had barley looked him at all since the incident. It was no nice way of describing it, then saying you looked like a mess. His, beautiful mess. Steve leaned towards you, placing his hands on each side your legs.

"I'm sorry if it... hurt," Steve said, swallowing his words.

You looked up at him like a lost poppy.

"It's okay," you mumbled.

You were still in a state of shock.

"It was an emergency," Steve whispered.

You nodded to him.

"So never again," you said.

Steve shut his face down, to hide his annoyance. You were his drug. He just didn't like to admit it. You made him addicted to you. 'So never again', was not a realistic option for Steve. He knew that deep down, it wasn't for you either. You had told him about your butterflies, you felt it too. However, Steve recognized that it was a conversation for a later time.

"We'll talk about," Steve mumbled before he grabbed your hips, and lifted you up.

Your lips curled up around his hips, like a baby clinging into their mother. Steve walked you into the shower. The water raining down on your body, washing away what felt like raw sin. You closed your eyes, as you let your head fall into Steve's chest. You had no energy. You didn't even use strength to hold around Steve anymore, you just trusted that he held you. Of course, you knew you had to shower, to sleep, and get on, but right now – you had nothing to give. Your whole body was still shaking.

Steve looked up at the roof the second your head dropped down to his chest. What had he done to you? He swore low. You were like a little baby, which Steve wasn't too excited about. Steve grabbed what he believed was your shampoo with one hand, and began to massage it into your hair, as he leaned you into the water again. Fuck, this would've been ten times easier in a normal shower instead of this stupid dorm. Steve had to work on himself to not build up his anger, as he began to soap in your body caringly, and getting conditioner to your hair. Steve felt like he was playing with a doll, which was beyond him. He was relieved when he realized the job was done.

He lifted you up again, lifting you to your room. He looked around and found clean underwear, as well as a pajama. He dressed you up, and laid you down. You fell asleep before he even finished up tucking the duvet around you. Steve walked out of your bedroom. Someone had to clean up our mess, before your roommate came home in the morning. Steve got dressed, and cleaned up the space. He looked around, it was okay enough.

The two of you had an early morning tomorrow, and Steve wanted to make sure you were okay in the morning, but also, he knew he couldn't wear this for the mission. He needed both his combat suit and appropriate undercover clothes. Steve looked at the door. It would only take him an hour to come back. Steve found your key, and grabbed it as he left.

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