54. The Panic

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"Hello, Ms Y/l/n your late for your meeting with..." The sound of J.A.R.V.I.S scar through your ear as you woke up in full panic.

Then the headache hit you. You groaned as you tried to hide your head deeper into the matters. You had no idea what day or time it was. At this moment, you weren't even sure if you wanted to know, but the sound of J.A.R.V.I.S alarm ringing was too loud banging your ears. You tried to sit up in your bed when you felt your body betray you. Glimpse of the night caught up to you. You immediately stood up and ran to the bathroom, down on your knees as you threw up.

Fuck, why did you drink that much. You held into the toilet, prepared that it was more that needed to come up. You tried to take some deep breaths as you stared down at the floor. It was while you were staring down at the floor you noticed your knees and thighs. You stood up and walked to the mirror. Your whole body was covered in love bites. Everything from your most private parts, as your breasts to your inner thighs to your arms and neck. Ugh, you had to throw up again.

"J.A.R.V.I.S what day is it?" You shouted, your face still leaning over the toilet.

"Today is Tuesday the-" J.A.R.V.I.S began.

"Shit, shit, shit," You swore as you pushed yourself up. You immediately turned the shower on, swallowed two pills of aspirin dry.

"I've slept for two days," You mumbled in panic as you felt the water hitting your body.

The shower cleansed you of the sweat and sins, and no matter how long you wished you could just stay there, you knew you couldn't take to long. You finished quickly and went to your wardrobe. You stared into the closet. You needed something with full coverage and preferably dark, both things you wore very little off. You didn't want anything form fitting either, as you needed your body to breath. You swore under your breath. You had nothing that fit those descriptions that looked professional. You lived with the Avengers, you knew you would be read to fifth if you didn't appear correctly.

"J.A.R.V.I.S what am I late for?" You asked, your voice shaking.

"You have missed training with... Report to... Mission to..." J.A.R.V.I.S rambled everything you had missed.

"I SAID WHAT AM I LATE FOR, YOUR STUPID MACHINE!" You shouted in annoyance. He got silent.

"Mr. Stark scheduled a meeting with you yesterday to discuss your future," J.A.R.V.I.S so kindly answered, with his neutral tone.

Fuck, that did not sound good. My future? It sounded more like I didn't have any future. You shut your eyes. You quickly put on a white thighs to fully cover your legs, with a big long skirt pattern skirt, and knitted sweater. It looked like the kind of outfit you would wear for a holiday skiing trip, not for a professional meeting. You got down all the details from J.A.R.V.I.S threw your bag over your shoulder with all the tech you needed as you ran down the corridors. You pushed up the door.

 You pushed up the door

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"I am so sorry Mr. Stark," not even realizing that you were almost shouting. You pushed away the hair in front of your face, when a sinking feeling dropped in your stomach.

"It's okay Miss Y/l/n, your only 20 minutes late," Tony said, at the end of a full table.

Beside him sat Anne Weaver, the director of the Academy, beside her sat Phil Coulson, and many other S.H.I.E.L.D staff, even Natasha Romanoff was here, who you hadn't seen since the accident in your old dorm. Then on the other side of Tony sat the outlaw himself, Steve fucking Rogers. You froze. You were caught of guard. Tony's voice was even stern as he spoke to you, which it had never been before. He stood up and walked past the long and full table.

Tony felt a sinking guilt as he stepped towards you. He was the one who had taken you in. He had made the risk, knowing fully well that you weren't like the rest of the students at the Academy. You were rouge, and probably not that mentally stable as the rest of them, but neither was he. Tony saw himself in you. He took the bag from you, as you shouldn't have tech on you. He looked down at your wrist. He knew he had given you a tech watch. He knew he should take it from you, but he didn't. No one else knew. He swallowed low as he pushed out the chair for you. You sat down as he gently pushed it in.

You looked at Stark as he walked back up, placing your bag behind him. You knew this wasn't good. All these people gathered happened rarely. It didn't help how you appeared either. You were 20 minutes late, your hair still wet and you hadn't even touched your face with a tiny bit of make-up. You swallowed low, as you began tickling with your hands. You could feel your anxiety building up.

"We are withdrawing you from the Avengers," Tony said coldly, not even able to look into your eyes. 

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