5. A challenge

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"Most of you know based upon western mainstream history that HYDRA  only a bunch of na-" more couldn't you say before you got interrupted by a familiar annoying voice.

"I'm pretty sure they are, we fought them!" Bucky said as he lifted his hand and then laid it on Steve's shoulder proudly.

You took a deep breath, this was not the place to get angry. You plastered that fake smile of yours on your face. Bucky was just trying to get back at you. You relaxed your shoulders. You removed your suit jacket and rolled up the sleeves on your shirt. It was way too many smart people in this room you admired for one stupid soldier to destroy this for you. You pointed your hands over at Bucky in agreement. 

"Of course, so they were too," giving him a painful smile as you walked into the middle of the room.

"However, HYDRA existed long before the nazis did," You said and snapped your fingers in the air as JARVIS began to show various pictures of proof on the screen behind you. You turned around looking at it.

"As you can see, HYDRA has been existed before all of us were even born, even Thor!" you chuckled as you gave Thor a pat on the shoulder, which made everyone laugh, easing up the room.

Okay, you got this.

"What HYDRA did best was camouflaging themselves through various forms and organizations, most well documented one as Sergeant Barnes pointed out was through the nazis and than later their infiltration of S.H.I.E.L.D," You said, your tone now more serious.

You walked slowly towards the front again so you could have a good look at all of them, or everyone beside Steve. You didn't dare to look him in the eye. Though you found him and Bucky annoying, you also understood that the information you were giving them could be difficult to digest. Steve and Bucky thought they had been fighting nazis all the time, and though that's 100% correct as the HYDRA members at that time was said members, many of the ones before them and after, were more complicated. You couldn't let him throw you off your roll now. You shrugged.

"But S.H.I.E.L.D wasn't the only american organization that these, I'm sorry the language religious cult freaks infiltrated. Phil Coulson's team found out a while back that they were also the founder of NASA," you said as you showed Fitz and Simmons work on said revelations. You could already see people's hands entering the air. Tony asked them all to wait.

"I've been helping Tony analyzing old HYDRA files I believe you gathered on your latest mission, and... if you look at these symbols up here," You said as you threw the MI-6 symbol and HYDRA symbol over each other.

"We have reasons to believe that British Secret Intelligence Service have in the past or... more likely still is infiltrated with HYDRA agents," You said.

"How is that even possible?!"

"The Brits fought with us in the war!"

"What kinda proof is this"

Thousands of comments and questions came throwing over at you, everyone talking over each other. Most of them either in denial or in shock. You looked over at Tony in panic, you had no way of answering all of them. Tony stepped up in front of you and began pointing fingers as he began answering the questions for you.

You took a few steps back and looked up at the roof taking deep breaths. You fingers were tapping faster than the speed of light against your hips. You couldn't believe what you just  had done. You, a simple S.H.I.E.L.D recruit, had basically been lecturing the Avengers in history. You shook your head.

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