2. Be careful what you wish for

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Your nose was deep in your folders reading. You didn't even bother to look up, you knew exactly who it was. That voice has kept replaying in your head for a week now. It was Captain freaking America. By the sound of his marching, it was easy to gather that he wasn't happy. Every step was heavy, and you couldn't care less for whatever burden he was upon to release on you. You smiled weakly, he deserved it. After he tried to humiliate you in front of all your peers you had little empathy for the man.

"Yes, Captain," you said, finally looking up from your papers.

His blue eyes were dark, just like they had been the first day you met. He must have been mad for quite some time. If it wasn't for the god damn super soldier serum, you were sure that the man would've had thousands of stress wrinkles. You leaned your arms on the desk, curious to see what you apparently had done wrong this time.

"Have you been hacking from your laptop into the Aveng-"

"I'm gonna stop you there, no" You didn't even let him finish. You had done many things, and probably things you shouldn't have done, but you wouldn't let Steve march in here and accuse you of something you had never done. Believe it or not, you actually had a lot to do – like this whole school thing.

"Let me remind you that your only a recruit," Steve's voice was strict.

His blood was boiling. Here you sat here and tried to act all innocent with your books. It was a façade. Steve knew that. You weren't innocent at all. He took notice of you, every little detail. Like how you often tried to cover up your dirt by wearing pastel colors or adorable dresses with floral prints on – just like now. Steve was almost glad you had gotten yourself into trouble, because you were truly a sight for sore eyes.

"I know, I'm doing the goddamn homework that you gave us, SteEeve," you emphasizing on his name.

Something felt... strange. Steve was looking at you. You could feel his eyes scanning your body. For a second you thought you were crazy for thinking so, but you were sure. Hacking was all about analyzing and understanding system's, and Steve... he stared at you for too long. It was like a lust was enlightened. He stepped closer to the desk between the two of you.

"Is that how you want to speak to your captain?" he asked as he looked down at you.

There it was – the sickening butterflies.

"I apologize Mr Captain, I didn't mean to step on your toes," you said looking up at him. You straighten yourself up in the chair as you cross your arms.

"You really don't know how to behave, do you?" You could hear frustration in his voice.

You jumped off the chair with a smirk on your face as you walked over towards him.

"Make me," you challenged him, tilting your head.

Steve Rogers wasn't a man who liked to swear, it was foul language, but the way you made him feel in this moment... It was unspeakable. You tried to challenge him, yet you had no idea of the things he could do to you. Not only idea's, he had also been fantasizing about it. You needed to be put in place, learn discipline and how to obey. Only him could truly teach you that.

"Be careful what you wish for, agent," He whispered under his breath.

"I'm sorry, what did you just say?" you said as you only heard some mumbling.

"Come closer, agent," Steve demanded, just slightly lifting his voice from his former volume.

"Give me the prize, Captain" you almost sang as you closed the gap between the two of you. You had clearly not done anything wrong. This was just a big misunderstanding on Steve's part. You couldn't wait to hear him apologize to you. Normally you weren't this long term bitter, but you were still aggravated from your first encounter, and this... this could help you get over it.

Steve leaned down to your ear. You were almost afraid of moving your head in fear that a slight tilt would be enough for the two of you to crash together. You could smell his cologne from here. It was fresh, like apple and lemon... maybe even some cinnamon. It was good, to good.

"You get an extra hour of relative strength training, with me," he whispered into your ear.

"WHAT!?" You almost yelled as you turned your face around. He leaned back, smirking.

"First of all, I didn't hack into anything from my laptop. Secondly, Stark promised me that I wouldn't have to do all of that physical bullshit. Third, you can't just-"

It was something so delightful watching you lose your temper. Steve didn't even listen to what you were yelling about anymore, he was just watching you. How you threw your arms around, your body simply moving along with it. You had sat your hair up in a messy bun, but it was quickly falling apart, causing your hair to fall down to your shoulders. It was too poor that he couldn't let you scream all night... at least not yet.

"Did Stark make you a promise?" Steve asked, using his baby voice as he rested his hands on his belt.

You nodded.

"Well Stark has no authority over you... I do," Steve said looking down at you. He didn't move away, forcing you to have to look up at him, unless you wanted to stare into his biceps.

"The signal came from your dorm," He continued.

You couldn't take it anymore. You needed a distraction. You moved away from him, grabbing your phone.. You couldn't talk to him, not like this. Your body and mind, it was crashing again.

"It could've been my roommates" you shrugged off, as you glanced into your phone.

"You and I both know, your roommates aren't capable of such intricate hacks," Steve said, competing for your attention against your phone.

"Oh, I am flattered that you think I am," You laughed for the first time in a while as you kept tapping your fingers on the screen.

Steve was annoyed. You were too busy doing whatever you were doing on the phone. Steve liked when you were looking at him, and right now you were drafting into a far distant land. Not only that, but it was slightly rude to be on the phone while someone was talking to you. He hated how everyone in this generation seemed to be glued to their phones. It wasn't healthy.

"Can you stop what you're doing on your pho-" Steve began, but you lifted one finger up in the air, silencing him.

"I'm sorry, this is just too funny" you began.

"'XXL T-shirt light blue'... 'Ice cream near me'... a lot of searches about yourself... and oh, look at that – you've been searching up my instagram page five times over the past week," you said walking slowly towards him, lifting up your phone towards him, showing him his own internet browsing history.

You laughed low, this was how it felt to win.

"I don't need a laptop to hack into Avengers safety walls, but if the Avengers need help to build a safety proof fire wall, why don't you just ask me?" You said, almost spitting out every word.

Steve was silent for the first time, and it felt good.

"Goodbye, Captain," you turned around, grabbed your stuff as you happily walked out the door.

Of course, it was you hacking into the Avengers Safety Wall, but you did it all through your phone, but made sure to make it look sloppy which made them believe it came from a laptop. This way you didn't even have to lie to Steve. You were just being smart, smarter than him. It was all an excuse. You wanted to see your captain again... but he didn't need to know that. 

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