43. Twisted Truth's

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It had been days, staring at the walls. You felt drained, like you had nothing to give, still you had to keep on giving. You were breaking the codes you had collected from the mission. You had to meet Steve for private sessions. But in between those two things, you barely did anything. You didn't go out of your room. You didn't eat. You didn't sleep. Grant was on a mission. Fatima would come over every now and then to check in on you and make sure you did those things. She took better care of you than you took care of yourself.

Knock, knock. You knew what time it was. You shrugged as you stood up from your chair. Beside adding your own computers to the room, it was still completely empty. That was not true, Fatima had bought you a plant, but the room was still soul less. You walked out the door to see Steve, and immediately began walking down the hallway. You didn't want to waste your time talking to him. Right now, you just wanted to finish the session and get over it.

Steve had grown used to you being silent. He didn't like it, but he understood that it was a part of your process. Soon, you would feel different and be grateful for the transfer. After all, no one had graduated S.H.I.E.L.D Academy faster than you are ever before. You were making history. He was proud of you, even if you couldn't see it. The two of you entered the training room where he had sat up an obstacle course. Normally the two of you would have a combat session, but Steve was right your hand was broken after that mission. It never wouldn't have happened if he was there. He would protect you from getting hurt. He still didn't want to push you, so obstacle course to rehearse your speed seemed like a better fit. Though, you had always been a fast runner.

And the routine had begun, he timed you, you ran. Repeat on repeat. He shouted at you for being too slow during the climbing part of the course. You would yell back at him for being ridiculous and not thinking about the fact that you were literally doing it with one arm.

"Okay you know what Y/n, we're only going to repeat the climb until you get it fast enough," he said harshly pointing in its direction.

"This is ridiculous," You spit out.

"What if you have to climb in the field and your hurt, this is good prep work for you," Steve said.

You rolled your eyes, but still did as he said. You hadn't talked to Tony yet. You wanted to know what Steve had said to convince him that this was an okay order of doing things. You could've asked Steve, however you didn't trust Steve as far as you could throw him, and you couldn't even lift him. No trust, anymore. Suddenly your watch began to ring.

"Don't take it! Focus!" Steve shouted when he heard it go off.

You immediately let go off the wall, jumping down taking the phone. You did not freaking care about Steve's opinion of you doing so. Was it one thing that had been clear since your... let's call it incident when Steve broke your phone, is that he know stayed away every time you touched a digital device. Tony must have given Steve strict messages to not engage or disrespect your line of work, and that... that you were glad for. Tony had also sent this fancy watch, that worked like a phone with everything you needed and more. God, you loved Tony.

"I'm hurt you didn't call," A familiar voice said on your watch.

You began to laugh. It was the first time in days that you laughed, a real laugh. Not faking it to make someone else feel better about their bad jokes, this one was a real one from the heart.

"Matthew Murdock, what an honour," You smiled weakly as you tied your shoes.

"I gave you my card, I was waiting for you," he said, his tone playful.

What was this? Why were you talking to Matt Murdock? Why did he make you smile? Steve had a thousand of questions about what was going on right now. How did even the two of you meet? Did you need a lawyer? Tony has a lot better lawyers than Matt. The two of you were worlds apart. Suddenly he saw you put your ear plugs in, so he couldn't hear your conversation as properly. Steve shrugged and crossed his arms. Steve didn't like this at all.

"I have been a little busy, university has been a lot," You lied. All of you had to lie. You couldn't exactly say you were a spy.

"Hmmm, and tell me what you study again?" Matthew asked curiously.

"Classical music," You answered simply. It got quiet again. It wasn't bad, just quiet. On some level you liked it.

"I would love to hear you play one day," Matthew said, his voice warm.

"We can arrange that," You smiled. Your lies were built on truth, so you weren't too nervous about it.

"Did you just call to chit chat?" You asked.

"You don't like it?" He laughed.

You bet your lips to hold in the laughter.

"Matthew, I have boyfriend," you said sitting down on the bench.

"Yeah, yeah, Sam Wilson, right?" He asked.

You could hear on his voice that he didn't believe it. You knew why he assumed it was him. Sam was your date for the gala, so it was his logical next step. You looked to the side where you saw Steve, catching him in staring at you. He immediately turned away. Huh, he was too curious about this conversation.

"How did the two of you meet by the way? Superhero meet's classic musician seems like an unlikely pair," Matthew said.

Matthew was snoking around, you had realised that based upon his last few questions. He was being nosy, and you wanted to know why. How did he even get your number? It wasn't like it was being advertised publicly. You began to walk out to the hallway, to secure a little bit of privacy from Steve.

"Actually not, I was there as his friend. My father is a big fan of New Orleans music, so we used to travel up there when I was younger. I met Sam long before he became Falcon," You smiled, as you typed a message to Sam, giving him a heads-up.

"But I do like chit chatting with you... You should come by when I'm rehearsing... I go down to my local bar in Brooklyn and rehearse until they open, I'll be there in two hours," You continued. You needed to know why he was being so suspicious. Why he was digging, and it was no better way of doing so then over wine.

"I'll like that," Matthew said.

Steve suddenly came out the hallway, clearly done waiting for you. You looked away from Steve and at your watch.

"The address is **** ****, I'll see you there," you said, as you finished the call.

"When did you and Matt Murdock become best friends?" Steve asked his arms still crossed.

You looked up at him and began to laugh. You nodded your head and pointed your finger at him. Was this how he was going to play it? You smiled weakly as you turned your back at him and walked to your room.

Might not be the worst idea to dance with the devil. 

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