27. Strangers

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"Ah, no. Don't even talk to me!" You said, pointing your hand at Steve, as you could see Steve opening his mouth the second Simmons walked out of the door to get you drinks.

Steve lifted his hands, acting all innocent. He took his fingers to his lips, signing that his lips are sealed. A smile was on his lips as quietly walked over to you, standing right behind you. He could smell your perfume from here. He just wanted to wrap his hands around you, hug you tight, kiss your...ugh, Steve had to stop himself.

"Steve?" You whispered low, looking out to the room.

Steve innocently wrapped his hands around your waist, resting his head on your shoulder. You didn't want him to talk, so he wouldn't. Steve nodded his head, signalising for you to continue speaking.

"You promised me the butterflies would be gone," you mumbled, playing with your fingers.

If it wasn't for the fact that Steve had the super-serum running in his blood, he would have no chance at hearing what you said. However, Steve had the super-serum running in his veins, giving him super senses. He could hear every tiny breath you took. Steve smiled short at your words, before he began to kiss your neck. He swore, he could do this all day.

"MmmMm," you closed your eyes and just took in the moment. Your body had been in so much pain, it was good to feel...soft. You let your head hang and opened your eyes. Jesus, Y/n you were at work.

"Steve, you can talk," you whispered.

"They will not magically disappear, I said we could manage them... over time," Steve whispered. He smiled weakly, he loved these conversations with you.

"That's why I didn't want to make you any promises, about... you know, not doing it again" You could feel Steve's lips against your ear as he whispered to you. It was like a trigger for your butterflies. You nodded. Guess, it did make sense.

"Because if I or... you still feel those butterflies..." Steve couldn't hide his smirk. His little mouse, you, were making him too excited.

"We wouldn't like to close the door, would we?" Steve began kissing your neck, taking his time, to make sure he hit all the right spots.

Steve could feel how your body fell into his arms. It almost made Steve furious that Simmons was about to come any second. The two of you could've easily handled this mission alone on coms. You could've done more than the mission. A mission with pleasure. Steve tightens his grip around your waist, taking in one last breath, before he stepped away, nodding at the door.

"She is walking up the stairs," Steve said, and positioned himself on the opposite side of the table, and rightfully so she opened the doors 30 seconds later.

"So, I got two black coffees for you and me Mr. Rogers, and since I know you don't like caffeine Y/n, I got you some lemonade," Simmons smiled bright as she gave out the drinks to the two of you.

Simmons and you began small talking, as you were still waiting for the field team to get to their positions. You had never really worked with Simmons, but both of you were admirers of each other's work. Grant had also introduced you to the whole team, so you had hanged out in social gatherings. She was lovely, easy going, but insanely smart – like Fatima in many ways, but still they were very different. Ah, it was easier just working with women.

"Wait, you don't like caffeine?" Steve interrupted you in the middle of the conversation.

Both you and Simmons looked over at Steve, with confusion.

"No," you said pushing a smile up.

Steve looked at you a bit lost, like a math equation didn't add up. Steve had asked you multiple times to drink your coffee, not only today, but he also always gave you coffee. He hadn't noticed that you had never drunk it, but now that he knew he replayed all the times in his head, and it all made sense. He had never seen you drink it. You always put the drink away. Why had you never told him? He suddenly felt stupid.

"You should've told me," Steve said a bit annoyed.

Simmons lifted her eyebrows, was Captain America annoyed at one of his students for not telling him that they don't like caffeine?

"That I don't like caffeine?" You asked confused.

Steve rolled his eyes. No, this wasn't about the coffee. It was about the fact that Steve just now realised that he didn't know you, not as well as he thought he did at least. If he didn't know this, what else did he not know about you? His mind ran down a whole whirled wind of questions he needed answered about you. Steve's hands were closed in a fist as he tried to figure out a good way to answer you.

"We're in position," Fatima said on the speakers.

All of you stopped staring at each other confused and concentrated back on the table. You lifted the data up, so it appeared 3D for everyone. It was a simple mission, spy mission, they needed to gather the intel about where the next hack would appear from. Lucky for them, most of the people there were nerds like you, so it couldn't really get too violent. You wished you were there with them, after all you did work better with them. Everyone was sharp, and everything went smooth, so within two hours, you had found your next lead.

New Jersey, 9PM in a week, a high count of them were meeting at a gala or hiding in a gala. Was it a clear lead, not, but the next best thing you could get. Plus, you would be more than able to hack into their laptop's up close, and you would be healed within that time, able to do the work.

"That's it for today, I'll schedule the next meeting. For now, rest," you said for everyone, both on coms and in the room, as you clapped them out.

*Later that same evening*

You were in deep sleep, when a loud noise, coming from your phone rang you up. It sounded like the devil itself. You groaned as you stretched your hand to the nightstand grabbing your phone. Wow, look at that. It was the devil. You punched the phone down in bed, but it kept ringing. You accepted the call.

"Hello, how are you doing cupcake?" Tony yelled, clearly busy with building something as you heard the machinery in the background. You knocked your head down in the pillow. You had slept since the mission was done, and it was only 8 pm, but you were still feeling dead on the inside.

"I'm brilliant," you said ironic, causing Tony to laugh.

"Take on the camera," Tony said.

At this point you didn't fuck care, you have had breakdowns in front of him, fully crying before, so him seeing you exhausted didn't really matter anymore. You put on the camera. Now, the annoying voice of Tony's voice was even louder.

"I heard you have begun to date Agent Ward?" Tony asked. Even without looking at him, you were sure he was giggling. You nodded.

"Lovely, both of you are invited on dinner at the Avengers mansion, tomorrow night," Tony informed you happily.

You immediately turned around so you could see his face. He was being weird.

"Dinner? At the mansion? Grant and I?" You asked as you sat up, leaning up to the wall.

Tony nodded.

"You work for the Avengers, and we're having a dinner for the team and their loved ones, to celebrate the miss-" Tony explained before you cut him off.

"The mission that Sam worked on today, I'm glad it went well," You interrupted.

"Exactly, of course, not everyone is able to come, but Pepper and I would love for you to be there," Tony said. You nodded and smiled.

You couldn't help but wonder if Steve was going to be there. Not that it mattered of course. It didn't matter at all, because you were going there together with Grant. You were going on a dinner, with Grant, in the Avengers Mansion. Very normal. You nodded your head slowly.

"Super, we'll be there," you ended the conversation. 

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