Germany x Reader

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Hey Kit Kats! I just really want to do this one because I'm really bored! Y'all know what that feels like, right? On to the story!


Your pov

You jog sluggishly around the track by Italy's side as he panted like a dog, Germany was way ahead of both of you and Japan wasn't running at all. Yep, typical training day for axis. Italy blathered on about something or other but you weren't really paying attention for two reasons, you were focused on the burn of your lungs catching fire and Germany. He passed both of you again with bit of a glare.

"Pick up the pace you two!" he yelled over his shoulder, "Keep Up!" You didn't really mind his yelling as long as you got to watch him work out. The way his tank top stuck to his well muscled chest and his blond, usually slicked back hair, fell in his eyes was so, for lack of better words, freaking sexy. You've had a crush on the strict German since forever but there was no way in ever living hell you would tell him. It might ruin your friendship.

"Bella? Hello, (Y/N), I've been trying to ask you something for the past five minutes," Italy whined, snapping you from your daze.

"Sorry, Italy. What did you want?" You asked, giving him an apologetic smile. He grinned back.

"Would you make me some pasta when we finish?" He asked. You giggled and nodded at the child like man and continued with your laps. You finished but you felt like you were about to die. The air was thick and moist, you and Italy helped each other stagger inside. By the time you got inside the house, Germany and Japan were already there. Germany looked at you with a straight face.

"Keep up next time, (C/N)," he said as you entered the kitchen to make Italy some pasta. You waved your hand in the air in his general direction letting him know that you didn't really care.

No ones pov

Japan smiled at Germany as (Y/N) started the pasta for Italy. Japan exchanged a look with the Italian by his side and they left the (E/C) eyed girl alone with the blue eyed German. Japan knew that Germany liked her and Italy knew that (Y/N) like Germany but they wouldn't say anything.

(Y/N) cooked slowly, ignoring Germany, who was cooking something on his own. She hummed along to (fav. song), not really bothering to keep up with the music. Her voice was like molasses dripping from a jar, slow. Everything the girl did was slow, too slow for the German man's liking.

"Why don't you keep up with the music?" Germany groaned, glancing over t the small female in annoyance. (Y/N) huffed angrily, she was done being told to keep up all the freaking time. With out any thought, the girl whipped around, grabbed Germany's shirt collar and slammed her lips into his. Surprised at the girls actions, Germany didn't react a first. When the girl bit down on his bottom lip, soothing it with her tongue, he snapped back to reality. He had finally found the one thing he couldn't keep up with. Her tongue had won dominance and was having fun with it. All too quickly, (Y/N) pulled away and smirked.

"Keep up, Germany," she purred, turning back to the food on the stove. Germany grabbed her, turned her around and smiled, fighting a growing blush.

"I will this time," he said, pressing his lips back to hers. Let's just say that, by the time Japan and Italy came to check on them, Germany was still struggling to keep up with (Y/N).


Yay! I have one uploaded! I hope you guys enjoy it!

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