Norway x Reader

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Your pov

You, (Y/N) (L/N), just so happened to be an extrovert of epic proportions. Your boyfriend, Lukas Bondevik, just so happened to be an introvert of epic proportions. You wanted to go out and party while he wanted to stay in and watch movies. You two had never really had an issue before Lukas introduced you to Mathias.


You looked up at your boyfriend from your place in his lap as he read, wondering how he could take silence for so long. His fingers carded through your (H/L) hair absently, stopping now and then to flip that page. You were beginning to fidget because of how long you two had been sitting in this position. No one had said a word for over an hour and it was getting to you. Suddenly, you sat up, pulling his fingers out of your hair. He glanced over at you, his face holding the same look it always does.

"How can you stand this?" You groaned. He raised an eyebrow at you in question. "The silence, the stillness, the nothingness that is just sitting and reading for this long. How do you stand it?"

"It's nice," He said, calmly. You threw your head back and let out a groan.

"Says the guy who hasn't left the house in a week," You grumbled, crossing your arms. You had to get out to do something. Maybe you'd call your friend, (F/N) and they'd go shopping with you or something. Your thoughts were interrupted by the front door flying open and loud footsteps thundering into the living room. You could see Lukas cringe.

"Lukas! Let's go build a snow fort!" The blond man that thundered through the door yelled. He looked like a hyperactive golden retriever. You giggled a little.

"No," Lukas said. His voice would have sounded monotone to anyone else, but you knew he was annoyed.

"Awwwww, come on! You never want to do anything with me," He whined. Lukas sighed heavily then looked over at you.

"(Y/N), you wanted to do something, why do you keep the Dane busy," He said. You knew he was saying that purely out of annoyance because the blond man wasn't the only one bothering him at the moment.

"Uh, sure, if that's what you want. You don't mind me instead of him, do you?" You asked.

"Not at all! I'm Mathias!" He said, excitedy. You grinned, kissing your boyfriend on the cheek before your grabbed your coat and left with, Mathias.

~~End of flashback~~

No one's pov

Lukas watched the pair through the window as they threw snowballs at one another. He could feel a ghost of a smile on his face as he looked at his girl. Her (H/C) was tucked up into a knit hat and her face, the only exposed flesh on her body, was a chilly pinkish color with her lips stretched into a laughed. Tino stopped beside him, watching the two as well.

"They've gotten close, haven't they," He said with a smile. Lukas nodded, not taking his eyes off of her as she was hit in the shoulder with a frozen ball.

"Should I be worried?" He asked. He'd been wondering this for a while now as he began to notice the way she smiled around the Dane. It was a big grin that it was so rare to see directed towards him. He could never make her smile like that, even though (Y/N) had a habit of making him laugh until his sides hurt.

"About what?" Tino asked, startled by the fact that Lukas had actually said something.

"Them," Lukas responded, leaning closer to the window as they pair outside fired fistfulls of snow at eachother simultaniously. Tino shook his head, lightly as he smiled.

"No. She loves you a lot and I doubt that would change anytime soon," Tino said. He knew that (Y/N) loved Lukas more than life itself and vice versa. (Y/N) just needed somebody to be social with, somebody to party with more than Lukas was comfortable with.

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