2P Japan x Insecure! Reader

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Your pov

You were always completely covered. You wore hoodies and jeans no matter what the weather was like because you couldn't stand your own body. You felt wrong in your skin. You had beautiful features, though none of them came together quite right. It always reminded you of a Picasso painting.

Either way, you went about you days and your job as part of the Axis. They were the only countries that were nice to you and the word nice is to be used loosely. Nice meant that they didn't ask anything about the way you dressed or criticize you if you hid your face. Then there was Kuro. He wasn't mean so much as he seemed curious. During meetings he would stare at you from across the table, his red eyes burning you in ways you didn't think were possible as he scribbled in his notebook. Oddly enough, that was what brought you together and forced you to hide from him more. The more you hid, the more he scribbled in his book. You also noticed that when you two were alone at his home, he scribbled more, faster. You stared at him as he did so.

"Hey, Kuro. Can I ask you something," You asked. He glanced up, giving you a curt nod.

"Hai(1)," He answered, boredly.

"What are you writing? I can tell that you aren't taking notes, but you're always writing, so I was beginning to wonder," You said, pulling the sleeves of your sweatshirt over your (S/T) hands without noticing.

"I'm drawing, actually," He said. You tilted your head to one side, wondering what he was drawing. You usually kept your hair covered with the hood of your sweatshirt or a scarf. You didn't have to, but you felt compelled to keep as much hidden as possible. You felt a small lock of (H/C) hair fall into your face from where it was gathered. He noticed as well.

"Am I allowed to ask what you're drawing?" You asked, shoving it back in place. He stared at where it had fallen for a second before looking down and sketching something.

"You, mostly," He said, indifferently. You blushed, heavily and jumped a little. Why on Earth would he pick you as his subject? You look like you're made of puzzle pieces wrongly shoved together to make a different picture than the one desired.

"M-Me?" You sputtered, waving your hands slightly frantically. "What the hell for?"

"I wonder what you look like naked," He said. Always a blunt one. You opened and closed your mouth, fishing for words and finding none. Kuro smiled, smirked really. He only ever really smile when he was thinking something perverted. You batted away the idea of what he said being true. He had to be lying. You were the pinnacle of strange and just wrong enough to cause problems. You both stared at each other for a second and you prayed that he didn't know what you were thinking.

"You wouldn't want to see that," You laughed, awkwardly.

"I would," He said.

"You're joking and that's cruel, you know," You said, pulling your knees to your chest and attempting to hide in yourself.

"I don't joke," He said, his eyes burning into yours. You flinched and looked away. It hadn't been a particularly acidic look, but it was enough to make you squirm.

"R-Right," You mumbled. He held the book out to you, suddenly. You stared down at it, dumbly.

"Let me know if I'm close," He said. You gulped, opening the book with shaky fingers.

There you were or your face, anyway. The body was wrong because it was right. The stomach was flat, your back curved in gracefully as it led into your butt which, in turn, flowed into perfectly sculpted legs. As the eyes traveled up, they found perfectly symmetrical breasts and collar bones that were far too prominent to be your own. It looked like a model, like someone you could only qualify as perfect. Your mouth quirked into a bitter little smile. This girl was not a Picasso painting, she was a Mona Lisa and you wished that were really you.

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