Pirate! Spain x Child! Reader ~Part 1~

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No one's pov

"Spain! Spain!" The little (C/N) called, running across the deck. Captain Carriedo turned and looked in the direction from where his name was called, green eyes settling on the small (H/C) haired girl quickly approaching. He smiled slightly as the rest of his crew members laughed at her excitement.

"What is it, princesa(1)?" He asked, lifting her up once she reached him. She grinned widely at him, one of her front teeth was missing. That was something new, it had been there when he had seen her this morning.

"I finally lost my loose tooth," (C/N) cried, throwing her little hands in the air. Excitement dripped off of her. Spain chuckled and hugged her. She seemed so proud of herself for growing up. It seemed like just yesterday he had found her abandoned in the street, skinny and dirty but, smiling up at him.

"That's wonderful," He said, setting her down. She gave him another grin before running to look off the side of the ship at the water below. Spain smiled at her and resumed his prior task.


Captain Kirkland decided today was the day to fight. The British plowed its way through the ships that had not been prepared for the attack. Spain took (C/N) below deck to keep her away from the fighting. He also hopped to keep her hidden from England as well.

"Ah, Captain Carriedo, how nice to see you again," England growled as he boarded Spain's ship. Spain's upper lip curled into a snarl. Two men flanked England and he sent them each in a different direction. England drew his sword and smirked at Spain, challenging him silently. Spain took the bait and drew his own, lunging at him.

Meanwhile, (C/N) sat huddled in Spain's chambers, waiting for him to come down and tell her that it was safe. She wasn't especially worried about anything seeing as this wasn't the first time this had happened in her lifetime. She picked up a small doll that Spain had given her the day they met sat next to her on his bed. (C/N) heard heavy footsteps headed towards her and she knew that it wasn't who she hopped it was.

"Let's see if there's anything valuable in this one," A deep voice grumbled behind the door. (C/N) stared in horror at the door, waiting for it to open. It did. Her (E/C) eyes rested on two large men in the doorway and they smiled.

"Yeah, there's something valuable in this one," One of the men said. (C/N) backed up as one of the men made a grab for her arm. He caught her easily and dragged her, kicking and screaming, to the upper deck where Spain sat tied and at the mercy of England.

"Let me go!" (C/N) screamed frantically, wiggling in the man's harsh grip. Spain looked up at her and the man with his hands wrapped around her arms. He had to be leaving bruises on his little (C/N). He growled and England laughed.

"Oh, you have a soft spot for the little one, do you?" He said, a hint of amusement in his voice. Spain tugged at the rope around him.

"Let mi princesa go!" He yelled, angrily. England ignored him, walking over to the girl who was still struggling to be let down. Her eyes narrowed at him and he smiled sweetly at her.

"How would you like to come with me, love?" He asked.

"No! Let me go! I wanna stay with Spain! Put me down!" She screamed.

"You heard the little lady, put her down," England said. The man let go of her and let her smack to to floor. (C/N) whimpered in pain and looked up at England, finally afraid of him. Things seemed much worse when someone towered over her. He squatted down to her eye level and smiled at her. "I'm sorry about him. He's awfully mean to a pretty young lady like yourself."

"What's going on?" She asked. She stared into his green eyes as if she were trying to understand what was really going on here. England smiled at her and extended a hand. The little (E/C) took it, cautiously.

"Spain is going to have you stay with me for a while," England said, picking her up and leaving the ship. She hadn't even been given time to say good bye. She was just taken away, dragged onto another ship and forced into another life. (C/N) was gone and there wasn't a thing that Spain or anyone could do about it.


Hey Kit Kats! I'm sorry that this took so long, it's so short, and that it sucks. I've been super busy with school. Seriously, curse whoever thought that AP classes were a good fucking idea. Anyways, vote, comment, and share this story if you liked it.


1) Princesa- Princess

2) Mi princesa- My princess

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