Bad Touch Trio x Sick!Reader

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Your pov

You blew your nose for the tenth time in five minutes and fell back into your armada of pillows. You hated getting sick because, like your brother America, you never did. As the country of (C/N), you didn't allow to take care of you because you didn't like to feel weak. Around noon, someone began banging on your door.

"Go away!" You crowed, horsley. The banging didn't cease, not helping the headache that threatened to split your skull in half.

"Open up, ma petite fleur(1)," France called from the other side of the door. You groaned, tossing your head back into the pillows. Of course he'd come bother you when you didn't show up for movie night.

"Sí(2), (C/N), we're waiting," Spain said. You glared at the door, your (E/C) darkening and narrowing into slits. It can't be all of them. No, Prussia isn't here so, it's okay. As you thought about this, the door flew inward, slamming against the wall.

"Mein(3) awesomeness got bored of waiting," Prussia yelled. You flinched at his loud voice. Tears sprung into your eyes as a wave of pain rolled through your head. You sneezed hard enough to make yourself start coughing pathetically. "I found her!" Prussia screamed to them. They crowded your couch and looked down at you. Your (H/C) hair was greasy and splayed out on the pillows behind you. Your usually bright (S/T) skin was paler than usual. Bags and dark purple circles sat under your eyes.

"Mon Dieu(4), you look awful," France said, pity shining in his eyes. You glared up at him and tried to growl but, you only started to hack horribly. They all took a big step back as you did so.

"If you're not going to help me, put my door back on its hinges when you leave," You grumbled. It hurt to talk because of how bad your throat hurt. They all looked down at you one more time before collecting themselves into a small circle. Their hushed voices filled the mostly quiet room for a moment or two before they all turned back to you with smiles.

"Good news, chica(5)! We're going to take care of you until you're all better!" Spain cheered, with a large smile crossing his tanned face. You shook your head, trying to tell them to leave. As usual, they didn't listen to you.

"You don't have to," You mumbled, burrowing into your (F/C) sweatshirt and shivering. Prussia went running to your room and brought you a blanket. He wrapped your shivering form, snugly.

"Is that better, Frau(6)?" He asked, actually being quiet for once in his life. You nodded reluctantly, moving hair away from your face. France placed his lips against your forehead for a second before reeling back with a look a horror. Without saying anything, he disappeared into the bathroom with a washcloth. Spain looked down at you and gave you a little smile.

"I'll go make you some soup," He said, walking into your kitchen. Prussia noticed that you were still shivering lightly under your fluffy blanket. He pulled you into his lap and wrapped his arms around you to keep you warm. France rushed back out and placed the rag on your head. He said something to Prussia but, you were already falling asleep for the first time in days.

When you got up, you were laying in bed with three blankets over you, a cool cloth on your head, and a bowl of tomato soup on the bedside table. You sat up slightly and picked it up, eating slowly. Soon enough, you noticed the three men sitting beside your bed. They were all leaning on each other, sound asleep. Finishing you soup, you smiled at them but, not for long. In no time, you were off the bed and in the bathroom emptying the contents of your stomach.

"What happened?" All three of them bellowed. You glanced over at them with a 'really' look.

"I think it's pretty obvious," You mumbled, retching again. Someone kneeled down next to you and held your hair back, France. Someone else rubbed your back in small circles, Spain. The last one mumbled sweet things into your ear, Prussia.

"It's alright, liebing(7)," Prussia whispered in your ear. A few minutes later, you were done. You were pathetically slumped over the toilet as they all said sweet things and rubbed your back. They brought you back to bed and made sure that you were okay.


After a week of hell, you finally got better. They didn't leave your side the entire time and that kind of surprised you. They were still coming around every little while just to be sure that it was really over and it was. One day, they all came back over to check on you and wound up visiting for hours.

"I just wanted to thank you guys for all of that. You really didn't have to take care of me," You said. They all smiled at you and gave you a group hug.

"We're just glad you're better," They said.


Hey Kit Kats! I know that it was crappy and short so, I'm super sorry. I tried though -_-. I had no idea what to write for them so, I just tried for this. If you liked this, leave it in the comments. Please remember to vote and share! I love you all and wish you the best in life!


1) Ma petite fleur (French): My little flower

2) Si (Spanish): Yes

3)Mein (German): My

4)Mon Dieu (French): My God

5) Chica (Spanish): Girl

6) Frau (German): Girl

7)Leibing (German): Darling

I got these off of Google Translate so, I've very sorry if they're wrong.

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