2P Canada x Pregnant! Reader

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Your pov

You had married the love of your life five years ago, right out of high school. A few minutes ago, you took a pregnancy test. A few seconds ago, you found out that it was positive. Grinning, you couldn't wait to tell, Matt. You'd always wanted a child. You weren't quite sure what his thoughts were but, happy or not, this was happening. You stood in your little shared bathroom, smiling into the mirror as you tried to think of a creative way to tell him.

"Maybe I should just tell him. Subtlety isn't really his strong suit," You said. You figured that it was probably best to just tell him. Still grinning, you ran down the stairs and into the kitchen. There he was. Sitting at the table drinking his coffee. He glanced up at you as you rushed into the kitchen with all the grace of a bull in a china shop.

"You alright, Chickadee?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm pregnant," You said, softly. He choked on his coffee and slammed the mug on the table, hitting his chest with a fist.

"What?" He coughed. You patted his back in a useless attempt to get him to stop coughing.

"I'm pregnant. We're going to be parents, Matt," You said. You could feel the stars in your eyes are you told him. The images of you and Matt with a tiny, blond baby between the two of you filled your head. He blinked at you with an unreadable expression.

"Really?" He asked. You nodded, pushing a clump of hair away from his face.

"I wouldn't lie about it." You rested a hand on your, still flat, stomach. The excitement was now dwindling and worry was taking its place. Matt's face was still unreadable as he stared straight ahead, hand wrapped around his mug.

"When did you find out?" He asked.

"Just this morning. Why? What's wrong?" You asked, voice shifting up an octave. He didn't say anything more. He just stood up, leaving his cup where is was, and walked out the door. You stared at it, figuring he just needed some time to process. It was your decision to give him a few days before you would really start to worry.

~~Time Skip~~

You hadn't seen him in seven months and you weren't sure what you'd done wrong. About a week or so after he left, you called his 1P over because he was one of your best friends. Matthew had been staying with you and taking care of you since his counterpart had left. You couldn't be more thankful, but you missed your husband. You'd tried calling everyone, Francois, Al, Oliver, but no one had seen him. At least, they wouldn't admit to it.

Matthew crossed the room, placing a hand on your shoulder as you watched out the window. That had become a pastime of yours. You held out hope that he would come home even if you were pretty sure that his counterpart didn't. He'd never tell you so anyway.

"(Y/N), maple leaf, I'm not sure what else I can do for you," Matthew said, his quiet voice sounding more worried than usual. You looked up at him. It just wasn't the same as seeing, Matt.

"What do you mean? You've been doing a hell of a lot for me the past few months," You said. He sighed, eyes dropping away from your face.

"I know you want, Matt, home, maple, so do I, but I don't think it's healthy for you to do this everyday," He said. You sighed. It had dawned on you a while ago that what you were doing probably wasn't healthy. Your hand absently rubbed your distended stomach.

"You're right." You stood up, his hand on your elbow steadying you. He looked down at you like he couldn't believe you'd gone along with it so easily.

"I-I am? I mean, I know I am," He said. You smiled at him. Ideas were forming in your head and, by the way he was looking at you, you knew he knew it. His hand tightened on your elbow a little.

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