Scotland x Reader

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Your pov

You skipped up to the Kirkland's door with a smile as you were coming to see your best friend, Arthur. You loved the bushy eyebrowed Brit like a big brother, though you were technically older than him. Your smile faded when you heard screaming and things being smashed inside the house. Shit, this means Allistor is having another shit fit, you thought. Without thought, you threw open the door and, sure enough, Allistor was beating the absolute shit out of Arthur. Arthur was on his back, hands in front of his face, not that it was really helping him. He was bleeding but, you didn't know from where exactly.

"Hey! Stop it! Don't you think this is a bit excessive?" You yelled over the quarreling brothers. Arthur looked over at you and dropped his hands a bit only to be socked in the mouth. He threw a punch back, it landed but it didn't do much damage. Hurriedly, you scrambled over, you (H/L) (H/C) hair flying behind you, and grabbed Allistors arm as he raised it again.

"Don't get in the middle of this!" Arthur yelled. You didn't listen like you should have and tugged Allisors arm back as he pulled against you. Before you could pull away from them, Allistor threw his elbow back into your face, breaking your glasses(Pretend you wear glasses if you don't). "(Y/N)!" Arthur yelled.

"(Y/N)?!" Allistor yelled, looking back at you. That was the last thing your blurry eyes picked up before it all went black.

Scotland's pov

"What the bloody hell is wrong with you? I thought you liked her!" Arthur screamed. He picked up the (E/C) eyed girl and laid her on the couch. He began to clean the blood away from her face as Arthur picked up her broken glasses. He hadn't meant to hit her, hell, he didn't even know it was her.

"I do! How the fuck was I supposed to know that it was her?" He snapped back. Arthur shoved him away from the unconscious girl, putting what was left of her glasses on the table, and began to clean her up. He wasn't sure where he had hit her but, she was bleeding from her nose and the back of her head from cracking it on the door frame. He truly hadn't meant to hurt her and he wouldn't have dreamed of hurting her. He loved her too much to hurt her purposely.

Your pov

Oh my aching head, you thought. You fluttered your eyes open to see two pairs of green eyes looking down at you. You squinted at the two boys that were bent over you. You weren't exactly sure if your vision was fuzzy because you had been hit or because you weren't wearing your glasses.

"Hey, (E/C) eyes, how are you?" Allistor asked. He seemed worried. You blinked a few times without saying anything.

"Are you alright, love?" Arthur asked. Big brother made had activated.

"What the shit happened?" You groaned, threading your slim fingers into your (H/C) hair and rubbing your head. They looked at each other for a second. You tried siting up only to have Arthur push you back down, gently.

"Careful, love, your head," he said. You rolled your eyes and looked at them. Allistor sighed and looked at you.

"I elbowed you in the face, broke your glasses, gave you a bloody nose, and knocked you out," he muttered. Arthur glared at him angrily and huffed. You shrugged and put your head back on the couch.

"You guys stopped fighting so, I did my job," You said in a rather uncaring way.

"I'm sorry about that, by the way," The Scottish man said. His face was a slight pink as he looked at you. You waved off his apology and stared at him, squinting.

"Come closer, I can't see you very well without my glasses," You said. He scooted closer to you on the couch and he slowly came into focus, more or less. You gave him a thumbs up and he stayed in place. You looked over to Arthur, who was sitting close to you as well. "I have spare glasses in your room from the last time I was here, can you go get them. I'm really sick of this fuzzy shit." He nodded and left.

"So, what were you two fighting about anyway?" You asked. His face tinted pink and he looked away from you. You raised a (Thick/ Thin) eyebrow at him. You had never seen him act like this.

"Don't worry about it (E/C) eyes," he said. Arthur came out and handed you your glasses and you slipped them on.

"Yay, I can see!" You cheered quietly. Arthur smiled at you and you thanked him for getting your glasses for you.

"If you really want to know what we were fighting about, I'll tell you. Allistor and I were fighting about you. He's in love with you and, I didn't think that he was good enough for you. The fact that it pissed him off this much tells me other wise. He really does think the world of you, (Y/N)," Arthur said. Figures, he was listening to your conversation. You looked over at Allistor with your head tilted. The red head wasn't looking at you and his face had gone up in flames. You smiled and giggled a bit.

"What are you laughing at?" He snapped at you. You laughed again. His face continued to get redder until it matched his hair.

"Would it have killed you to just tell me that instead of giving me a concussion?" You laughed. For some reason, this was the funniest thing to you. They both just stared at you as you went into a laughing fit. It took you a good five minutes to calm yourself and sit up. "You know, if you stop trying to kill your brother every ten minutes, I think we can make a deal."

"Oh yeah?" He asked. You rolled your eyes at him as he gave you his smirky smile. You began to lean away from him and he grabbed you, pulled you closer and kissed your lips. It was quick but, it was passionate. You loved it.


Hey Kit Kats, I hope you like this. Scotland might be a little occ, sorry. I had fun writing this one even though I rewrote it, like, seven different times. I decided today that I was just going to do it and get it over with so, here it is. Enjoy! Don't forget to comment if you liked it. Vote, share, and leave you requests on the request here chapter! ^_^

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