Switzerland x Reader

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Your pov

All you wanted to do was come and see your best friend Lilly. You didn't expect to be lying in a hospital bed with a bullet in your shoulder. Lilly sat on your left, tears streaming down her cheeks purely because she felt bad that her brother had shot you. Vash sat next to Lilly, patting her back in a feeble attempt to stop her crying.

"Lilly, I'm fine, you don't have to cry," You said. Truth being, you were violently pissed off at Vash but, you would get over it. You never stayed mad at him for long because of Lilly. With your good arm, you pushed your (H/C) fringe away from your (E/C) eyes, smiling.

"N-No you're n-not!" She cried, putting her hands over her face. You sighed, looking at the poor girl.

"I'm will be. Why don't you have Miss Elizabeta take you to her house, you'll have a much batter time there than this boring old hospital," You coaxed. After a few more minutes of this and tears, she agreed and Elizabeta came to pick her up. As they were leaving, Vash stood to leave as well. Lilly shook her head.

"Don't leave Miss (Y/N) here alone. Please stay with her, big brother," She pleaded. Her big green eyes pointed directly into his and he grumbled, sitting back down.

"Yeah, okay," he said. Lilly smiled and left with Elizabeta who looked at me with sympathy. After they left the only sound in the room was what was going on outside it. It was, in a word, awkward. His dark green eyes stared at your own (E/C) ones until you had to look away.

"So..." You mumbled, fiddling with the clean white blanket. He shifted in his chair, looking away from you slightly.

"I'm sorry about, that," he said, motioning vaguely at your injured shoulder. You glanced down at it, it didn't really hurt now. It had been much worse than this before you got the pain killers.

"S'okay, man, it could have been worse," You said, shrugging your other shoulder. He stared at you like he was surprised by your answer. Another few minutes of silence passed. "I think you should be apologizing to Lilly, she was more upset that I am." He nodded. Silence.

"You don't seem like you're afraid of me,"he said after a while. You snorted a bit before actually laughing. His face became red and he glared at you. "What's so funny?"

"I'm not afraid of you at all, shoot me all you want but, I'm still not going to be afraid. You know, you're not the only one that knows how to use a freakin' gun," You laughed. He tilted his head and stared at you like you were crazy.

"I think you might be on too many pain killers," he said. You laughed at him.

"What? Do you want me to be scared of you?" You asked, narrowing your (E/C) eyes, amused. He shook his head.

"I just don't know why you're not," he replied.

"I've seen the way you act around Lilly, you treat her like a queen. I've also seen you in frilly pink pajamas so, yeah, no, I don't think you're anything to fear," You said. He smiled a little as you said that. Not that you think he was thrilled with the pajamas comment. You always admired the way he would do anything for his little sister.

"Oh," he replied. After that, it became quiet for far too long. The worst thing was, the silence was awkward and it had to have lasted for at least five minutes.
"You can leave if you're bored. You really don't have to stay here with me," You said, quickly. He glanced over at you and shook his head.
"I told Lilly I would stay here," He grumbled back. You nodded and then looked at him with a smile. It might be fun to tease him just a little bit.
"I think that you just don't want to leave me because you like me," You giggled. His face flushed red and he glared at you. You gave him a cheeky grin and stuck your tongue out.
"More like love really," He muttered under his breath, probably not meaning for you to hear. Your face began to heat up at his words. Did he really love you or was he just teasing you back? No, Switzerland doesn't tease.
"Love?" You asked. He jumped, obviously not ready to hear you say that word. "You love me?"
"Uh, n-no, yes," He stuttered. You smiled at little then tilted your head to the side.
"Why must you shoot your love?" You giggled. He glared at you and you laughed,loudly.
"I didn't know it was you and I was already on edge today," He said, sighing. You tilted your head letting your (H/C) hair fall into your confused (E/C) eyes.
"Why's that?" You asked. He glanced at you and gave you an almost sheepish smile.
"Lilly got it in my head to confess to you today, that's why she called you over in the first place," he said. Of course Lilly had something to do with the confession. You laughed and stared at him for a second.
"I'm going to say I love you too but, just understand, if you come anywhere near me right now, I'll probably punch you in the balls," You said. He gave you a confused look before you continued. "I'm not happy about the shoulder, Vash." He nodded but, stayed at the side of your bed.
"Well, I won't get too close to you but, may I hold your hand?" He asked. You smiled and nodded. With that, you knew that your relationship was going to be wonderful. Right after you get better and punch him in the face for shooting you.
Hey Kit Kats! I forgot that this one existed so I figured that I might as well post it before I forget it again. I hope that you like it. Please comment, vote, and share if you liked this story. I love you all and wish you the best in life! <3

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