Russia x Chubby! Ballerina! Reader

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Your pov

Dancing was your passion and you knew you were good enough to be a professional. The only thing holding you back was your weight. You were a little bit chubby, not fat, just chubby. You had a little extra weight on your stomach and thighs as well as pudgy cheeks and arm fat that jiggled slightly when you moved. No reasonable person you met could call you fat, but casting directors weren't exactly reasonable people.

No one ever gave you a chance to be in big shows because you were chubby. For lack of better words, it was bullshit. Sometimes you'd get to watch the other girls dance and know that you were the best dancer. That sounds self centered, but it was a fact sometimes. You always went into auditions knowing that some other girl, skinnier than you, of course, would get the part. You kept that in mind as you walked through the doors to your latest audition. It was a very last minute thing because the lead had gotten hurt and the understudy had gotten sick. These people were desperate, so they were going to decide then and there.

There was girl after girl, dancer after dancer, in the little theater. When the door closed behind you, everyone glanced up and then let their gaze linger on you. This wasn't uncommon because you looked huge compared to most of the others in the room. As you walked through the people, you noticed a nicely dressed man and woman sitting in the seats near the front. They were probably just the directors or something, so you paid them no mind. You felt eyes on you as you stretched and got ready. Once again, this was normal.

"Okay, ladies, we're going to be doing this one at a time, so please find yourself a seat unless you're going to be dancing," The woman said. You took a seat a few rows behind them and settled there. You looked at the back of the man's head, his hair was whitish blond and shaggy. He was tall with broad shoulders and a very solid looking form, probably not a dancer. The woman settled next to him again, whispering something to him.

"Good luck," The man said, not standing or making any move to address the dancers.

~~Time skip~~

Most of the dancers had gone by now and, to be honest, they were all pretty good. It was some pretty tight competition here. Some part of you knew that you were better thought. You had the lucky last slot, so you could watch everyone else go first.

"You must be the last audition," the girl behind you whispered.

"Yeah," You said. She sighed softly before sliding into the seat next to you.

"I'm just before you, so I should look pretty good," She said, smiling. You glanced at her from the corner of your eye.

"Oh?" You asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Sorry, I just realized that that sounded rude," She said. You shrugged, pushing your (H/L) (H/C) hair behind your ear.

"Why do you think I'll make you look good?" You asked, innocently. She choked on air and coughed for a second, other dancers giving her dirty looks. You smirked slightly, feeling a little bit like you'd won something.

"I-It's just that you're... you know," She said, gesturing at you. You shook your head and widened your (E/C) eyes to look more innocent.

"No, I don't think I follow," You said. Your inner bitch grinned as the other girl floundered for words. The girl sitting on your other side leaned over with a bitchy smile on her face.

"She means you're fat. Not that I would know anything about being fat," She said. It almost sounded like she was proud to say it. You turned to her and smiled.

"I might be fat, but at least I'm not ugly. You would know all about that, wouldn't you," You shot back in a polite tone. The girl was about to say something, but was cut off by the man snorting a laugh. You knew he'd heard the conversation.

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