France x Reader ~Part 2~

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France's pov

I can't believe that high school was so long ago, it feels like I had just met (Y/N) yesterday. No amount of time I spend with her is long enough. I watched her as she played with our son Mathew in the back yard. He had my curly blond hair and her sweet personality. Her (E/C) eyes found mine and she gave me the grin that I had fallen for.

"Francis, come on, we're playing tag, it will be more fun with three people instead of two!" She called. I smiled at her child like interests. Mathew grinned, another thing he shared with his mother.

"Come on, Papa," Mathew called, quietly. I smiled at them and stepped off the porch towards them. (Y/N) picked Mathew up, ran over to me, and held him out a bit. He lightly tapped my shoulder and (Y/N) took off running. They both laughed.

"You're 'it', dear," She giggled over her shoulder. She plopped Mathew down a bit way from me as I ran towards him. He took off, shrieking with laughter. I stayed behind him just to let him think he was fast. (Y/N) ran up next to Mathew and laughed, loudly.

"Papa's catching up to you! Watch out!" She giggled. I smiled softly at her. I changed course to go after her. She took off in the opposite direction. As she ran her (H/L) (H/C) hair bounced around wildly. He cheeks were pink and her lips stretched in a laugh. I wish I could have taken a picture of her right then and framed it in the house where everyone could admire it. I captured her waist before she could get too far away. I hugged her tightly and pecked her cheek.

"You're 'it', mon amour(1)," I whispered in her ear. She turned her head and looked me in the eyes. Her eyes still had the same spark that they always had. She turned around in my arms and rested her forehead against mine, softly. 

"Je t'aime(2), (Y/N)," I muttered to her. Her (S/T) cheeks dusted a very light pink. It made me happy to think that I could still make her blush when I told her I loved her.

"Je t'aime, Francis, I always have," she whispered back. I felt my own cheeks get warm as she smiled happily, eyes shimmering with happiness. Breaking our moment a little bit, Mathew came over and we scooped him up. He hugged us both with a smile.

"Je t'aime, Mama and Papa," he said in his soft voice. We grinned at each other then at him.

"We love you too, Mattie," we said. (Y/N) looked up from Mathew and at me, connecting her soft, sweet lips to my own. Before I knew it she pulled away and slapped my shoulder softly.

"Papa's 'it'! Run Mathew!" She yelled, putting him down and giving him a head start before she started running away to. I couldn't imagine anything better than this moment, my wife and my child playing tag. Soon, it became dark and we all went inside to head to bed even though it was still fairly early.

~~Time skip~~

"Francis, dear, could you come in here for a minute," (Y/N) called from the bed room with a sweet voice. I wasted no time getting in there as she had been acting strange for the past few weeks. When I entered the bedroom, (Y/N) was standing there with something in her hands and a huge smile on her face.

"Are you alright, mon amour?" I asked, worried. She giggled and nodded quickly.

"I'm perfectly fine," the (E/C) girl said, flipping her hair away from her happily shimmering eyes.

"Then what is it?" I asked, tilting my head and staring at her in confusion. (Y/N) took a few steps closer to me and held out what she had in her hand. I took it without looking at it too closely.

"Francis, I'm pregnant!" she cheered. I looked down at the pregnancy test in my had that said positive. I grinned happily at my beautiful wife. No wonder she had been acting so funny, she had been pregnant.

"Mon Dieu(3)! This is amazing, sweetheart!" I cried, picking her up in a hug, careful of her stomach, and spinning her around. We must have been making quite a bit of noise because Mathew walked in looking sleepy and confused.

"Whats going on?" he asked, rubbing his eyes with a small fist. (Y/N) and I shared a smile and she knelt down to his eye level.

"You're going to have a little brother or sister, Mattie!" She bubbled. He smiled at her happily and put a small hand on her tummy that had yet to grow. I smiled down at them on the floor and joined them. I don't think life could get any better.

"I'm going to be the best big brother ever!" Mathew announced. We both laughed at his enthusiasm and shared a small peck.

"I know you will be," I said, bringing them both into a warm hug. This was all I needed, my life was complete with my wife, my son, and a child on the way. This is was all I dreamed of during high school, this was all I thought of while (Y/N) dated and here we are. I'm glad that I fond one person to love me rumors or not.


Hey my little Kit Kats! Here's part two, I'm glad that you like the first part enough to want a part two. I'm super excited about this one but, I'm not entirely sure why. I hope you like it, let me know in the comments!


mon amour- my love

Je t'iame - I love you

Mon Dieu- My God

I got these off of Google translate so, I'm sorry if they are wrong.

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