Prussia x Reader

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Your pov

You were having the best dream when your phone started to ring. You almost regret choosing that annoying high pitched ringtone now that it was waking you up. You contemplated ignoring it in favor of rolling over and going back to sleep but, instead, you groaned and picked it up.

"Hello?" You mumbled, sleepily.

"Hello, (Y/N), sorry for waking you but, we seem to be having a bit of an issue," Germany's voice rumbled on the other end. Sighing, you sat up on the couch and looked at the clock, it was only a little after one.

"What happened?" You asked, worried.

"I really think you should come over and see for yourself, (Y/N)," He said. His voice was a straight and even as ever but, you had a feeling that something strange was going on. Yawning, you pulled yourself off the couch and walked into the bathroom. There, you tamed your (H/L) (H/C) hair and pulled it into a ponytail so it would be out of the way.

~~Timeskip to Germany's house~~

Once you got to Germany's, you walked in to the best sight of your life. Your boyfriend, Gilbert, had his head stuck in the small poles that held up the banister to the stairs. As you walked closer, you had to stifle a laugh. His butt was wiggling in the air as he tried to pull himself out and Germany just stood there, watching in amusement.

"Oh. My. God. This is the best things I've seen all week," You giggled. Prussia's gaze turned to you and his cheeks went red. Not just red but, cherry red. His eyes almost matched his face.

"Uh, hello," he said. Attempting to sound casual as he stopped struggling. You grinned at him and pulled out your phone, a glimmer in your (E/C) eyes. You took multiple pictures of him before you decided to ask questions.

"How in the name of holy hell did you manage that?" You asked, giggling like a school girl.

"The awesome me was spying on West and Italy and, my head got stuck," he said, smiling in an almost sheepish way. Your pink lips twitched a bit, trying to hod back laughter but it easily bubbled up and out of your mouth. For five minutes you sat on the floor and howled with laughter.

Finally, you stood, you (S/T) face pink from the laughing it you had just gone thorough. You looked at him and kissed his cheek. He smiled at you and you shook your head..

"I thought you were supposed to be the big brother here," You said.

"I thought that to," Germany said with a slight smile on his face.

"Are you going to get the awesome me out of here or what?" Gilbert snapped, face becoming red all over again. You and Germany looked at each other like you were thinking. "Come on, Frau(1)! My legs are stating to cramp!"

"Okay, okay, fine, I'll get you out," You said, patting his hair. Germany handed you a small saw and you cut the Prussian out of his trap.

"Thanks for that, mein(2) awesome girlfriend," he said, hugging you. You tilted your head up and kissed him softly.

"You might be an idiot but, I guess your my idiot," You said, pushing a rebel piece of hair behind your ear. Prussia grinned down at you, lovingly. You rested your head on his shoulder as he hugged you again.

"Your going to delete those pictures, right?" He asked. You laughed loudly at him and shook your head.

"You better be nice to me from now on, Gil. I have dirt on you now," You giggled. He let you go and stared down at you with a pout.

"(Y/N)! That's totally unasweome!" he whined. You grinned devilishly and your (E/C) eyes shimmered mischievously.

"I think it's very awesome. You look so cute all red faced and stuck in the stairs, you look like a sad little puppy dog," You taunted. He glared at you playfully and you took off running, out the door and down the street with him on your tail. In a very short amount of time, he caught up to you and grabbed your waist.

"Delete them, liebing(3)," he muttered in your ear. You turned around in his arms and smirked at him.

"Convince me," you challenged. You already knew that the pictures weren't getting deleted but, you wanted to see what he would do. He brought his lips to yours in a soft yet very passionate kiss. You smiled a bit into the kiss and he did the same.

"Ich liebe dich(4)," he sighed as he pulled away. You smiled and rested your forehead on his.

"Ich liebe dich auch(5)," you replied. He smiled at you. "I'm still not deleting them." The look on his face said that he could have about cried right then and there You knew he'd forget about eventually and you would never use them against him anyway. It's true, he's and idiot but, he's your idiot and you wouldn't have it any other way.


Hey Kit Kats! I hope that this funny, fluffy Prussia x Reader makes up for the one before this. I know that Prussia is really a huge dork but, I felt like he could have a dark side to him. Anyway, I love Prussia, he is my baby and I can totally see him doing this. The thought of it makes me aggressively happy and it makes me violently fangirl. I hope you feel the same.

Comment if you liked it! Remember to vote and share! I love you my little Kit Kats and I hope that you find a boyfriend/girlfriend that treats you like Prussia does in this story because you deserve it!


1) Frau- Woman

2)Mein- My

3) Liebing- darling

4) Ich liebe dich- I love you

5) Ich liebe dich auch- I love you too

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