2P America x Reader

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Your pov

It had been a little while since you had seen Allen so, you decided that you should go see him. He had seemed a bit off when you had talked to him last, almost sad. He told you it was just because he had fought with Matt again and he was sore. You knew that something else was going on but, you hadn't pushed it that day.

When you arrived at his house, Oliver answered the door with his usually cheerful grin that you had gotten used to.

"Hello, love! What a nice surprise! Allen's in his room, head right on up," Oliver chirped pulling you into a light hug. To be honest, he used to freak you out enough to make you hide behind Allen and, he still kind of terrified you. He patted your (H/C) hair and bounced off towards the kitchen. You shivered slightly and walked up the stairs.

"Hey, (Y/N)," Matt said. You nodded at him in greeting. He more or less scared the crap out of you but, that had more to do with the fact that, when he first met you, he gave you a black eye. You had come to not be too terribly scared of him over the years. He passed and you found yourself outside of Allen's door. You could just make out him talking in his bathroom. Without thinking, you let yourself in and walked a little closer to his voice.

"You are fucking pathetic, you know that?! Stupid and selfish and emotionally stunted! No wonder you can't even get (Y/N) to love you, you dumb. Sack. Of. Shit." He growled at his reflection. Your (S/T) face became redder than the blood on his baseball bat. He loves me? I can't believe he actually loves me! You thought, excitedly. You had loved Allen forever and you just found out that he loves you.

"Allen, do you really think all of that?" You asked, walking into the bathroom before you could stop yourself. His red eyes widened and his mouth dropped open, opening and closing uselessly for a few second.

Allen's pov

Shit. Okay, shit, I thought. (Y/N) stood there, her (E/C) eyes focused on mine as she scrunched her face in concern. Fuck, that's cute. Her (H/C) hair fell around her sweet face, her cheeks pink. She had heard everything I had just said, all of it.

"Allen?" She said. It came out as more of a saddened whimper as she reached her hand out. I had no idea what she was doing until her (S/T) fingers wiped away a few tears. I hadn't realized that I was crying until now.

"Y-yeah, Doll Face, I did," I mumbled, looking away from her face. I couldn't look at her right now, knowing she was going to reject me. As confident as I was about women, she was different.

"You're wrong, about all of it, every single sentence that just came out of your mouth was wrong," She said, "You are not pathetic nor are you stupid or selfish or anything else. On top of that, you got me to fall in love with you years ago." I stood there, looking down at my feet as she talked.

"You don't mean that, Doll. You shouldn't, at least," I muttered, sniffling. Her brow creased as she pulled me into the bedroom and sat me on the bed. She sat next to me and grabbed my hands in hers with a soft smile.

"Why shouldn't I? Allen, who's the one I come running to when I'm scared? Who's the one I come to looking for protection? Who's the one that can come up with a come back for anything in three seconds flat?" She said with a light giggle. Slim fingers moved over my cheek making me look at her. Her (E/C) eyes sparkled with sweetness as she looked at me. "All you, Allen, all you."

"I'm weak though, I can't even protect myself so, what makes you think I could ever protect you?" I growled. (Y/N) laughed making her (H/L) hair bounce around her face, making her slightly red cheeks more noticeable.

"You protect me from everything even though you don't think you can, you're anything but, selfish. You're not what you think you are Allen, really you aren't," She said, moving herself into my lap and wrapping her arms around my neck.

"I-I just want you to be safe," I said, hiccuping. She chuckled a little and hugged me close to her. I didn't know how much I needed that until she did it. That was when it all came undone and I was a mess of tears and years of self hatred.

"I love you, Al. I love everything about you, your eyes, your smirk, your cockiness, even your missing tooth, all of it," She cooed, rubbing my back comfortingly. (Y/N) was a girl that could have anyone she wanted and she chose to stay with me.

"I love you too, Doll Face," I said at the end of my outburst.

You pov

You grinned up at him, hoping that he knew just how much he was loved. You had no idea that he thought this way about himself but, you were glad you caught it here, before it could get worse. He gave you his signature smirk and moved his hands to your hips, pulling you so you straddled his lap. He then took the chance to put his hands on your butt, not that you really minded.

"You know, after all that, I think you need a kiss," You said with a laugh. He smirked in a more shit eating way.

"Oh, I think I deserve more than that," He breathed into your ear. You laughed and shook your head, pressing your lips to his without saying anything more. That kiss eventually became something more and you two kept everyone in the house up most of the night with your 'fun'.


Hey Kit Kats! I went off of the picture at the top, I do not own it, by the way. I don't know how well it turned out but, if you liked it, comment, vote, and share this story. I hope that you all know that you're fucking beautiful no matter what! I love you all and wish you the best in life!

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