2P Spain x Reader

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Your pov

It had been two days since you last saw your roommate, Andres, and you were starting to worry. It's not like he talked to you a lot, but he usually came out of his room to eat dinner with you. It had taken all day, but you finally mustered up the courage to go into his room to check and see if he was dead or something. The only reason that it took all day was because, the very day he moved in, he told you that if you went into his room without permission, he'd kill you. Maybe it was just you, but he seemed pretty serious.

Taking a deep breath, you opened to door quickly. As his room was exposed, you almost laughed. Andres was buried in romantic novels and tissues. For such a stoic guy, he was really into the book he was reading at the moment. He didn't even realize that you had walked in. He sat on his bed as he hunched over the, obviously well loved, novel in his hand. On hand covered his mouth and, though he still remained fairly stoic, it would have been hard to miss the tears welling up in his eyes. You smiled slightly, lips twitching with a giggle that you were holding back. You snorted lightly and his eyes snapped up to you.

"S-sorry for the intrusion, I was just worried because I haven't seen you in two days. I can see that you're very busy," You said, giggling softly.

"Get out," He grumbled. You could see a blush rising his his tanned cheeks. You felt your smile grow a little wider as you watched him try to stuff his book under his pillow. He glared at you, but something about the big tough guy being a hopeless romantic made you a little less afraid of him.

"Why? Important scene to get back to?" You asked, snorting a laugh. His glare became more cutting and you gave him a shit eating smile. His own flaming cheeks gave away the fact that he was more embarrassed than angry.

"Get out," He repeated in the same tone. Instead you invited yourself in and took a seat at the end of his bed.

"So, what'cha readin'?" You asked, actually interested. You read your fair share of romantic novels, so maybe he had something you hadn't read yet.

"mmhhmhhmmm," He mumbled into his hand. You leaned forward, tilting your ear towards him.

"I didn't catch that," You said.

"The Notebook," He growled, violently. You grinned and made a little squealing noise. He sat back from you, giving nothing more than a mildly confused look.

"I love that book! I've never seen the movie though. We should totally watch it together! Well, when you're done reading the book, I mean," You squealed, excitedly.

"Sure," He responded, slowly pulling his book back out.

"I never would have taken you for the romantic type though. I mean, you threatened to kill me the day you moved in here," You said, turning to lay on your stomach. He didn't respond and went back to reading his book. You stared out his window into the pouring rain. Then the idea popped into your head. You wanted to kiss your roommate in the rain.

"(Y/N)," He said. You jumped at your name. He never used your name to get your attention, come to think of it, he never used your name period. Could he tell that you had just thought of recreating the kissing scene from The Notebook with him? Dear God, you hoped not.

"Andres," You said back. His greenish grey eyes stared into your (E/C) ones with a certain amount of sincerity that you weren't sure you had ever seen in them. He didn't say anything else, but he sat his book on the nightstand next to his bed, reached forward, and grabbed your hand. You were a little shocked at how gentle the touch was.

Soon enough, his large hand moved from your hand to your wrist and he pulled you off the bed as he stood up. His grip was tight, rough, but his palms were sweaty. You weren't quite sure what he was doing or where he was taking you. You followed him, confused as hell, as he lead you through the apartment and out the door.

Once you got to the lobby of your building, you were a little concerned about where he would be taking you. Especially since you were just dressed in a pair of black booty shorts and a (F/C) tank top. That was definitely not enough to protect you from the harsh rain pouring down in sheets. You dug your bare heels into the floor, effectively slowing him down. He turned and locked eyes with you.

"Where are you taking me? It's pouring outside and it's cold as witches tit," You said, pulling your wrist from his hand. You held one of his hands in both of yours. It was warm and soft with some calluses at the tips of his fingers from his occasional guitar playing.

"Why watch the movie when we could just make it ourselves," He said, smirking. Your cheeks heated up in a light blush. You could feel the heat crawling down your neck and up to the tips of your ears. Your entire face must have a nice pink tinge to it.

"O-oh, uh, are you sure? I mean, wouldn't it be awkward after the fact since we live together and all?" You sputtered. His smirk dropped away into his usual expression and the soft pink from earlier had come rushing back.

"Never mind," He grumbled, walking back towards the elevators. You caught his hand again. You really hoped that this would go well.

"I wouldn't mind recreating the most romantic scenes in history with you. It's just that it would be awkward after because I really like you, but you also really scare me most of the time. I really thought you didn't like me very much and, maybe I'm right, but you seem upset by the fact that I had a weird reaction. I'm sorry, I'm being awkward. Now if you don't mind, I'm going to shut up and throw myself into the sun," You said quickly.

"I doubt you'll reach it with all the clouds," He said, softly, a ghost of a smile on his face. You swallowed thickly, rubbing your parms on your shorts.

"I, uh, guess that I like you too," He said. The redness was all too real for both of you as you let silence fall over the both of you. You cleared your throat after a while and gave him an awkward smile.

"Well, we can still do the thing," You offered. He looked down at you and, almost shyly, took your hand, leading you outside.

You took a deep breath, filling your lungs with nippy air. Andres walked a little bit away from you and you smiled at him, waiting for him to let you know you could start. You could see him taking the same deep breaths that you were. He waved his hand above his head. You could start.

(This next bit all belongs to The Notebook)

"Why didn't you write me?" You called, sounding saddened. "Why? It wasn't over for me! I waited for you for seven years and now it's too late!" Andres walked closer to you. He kept walking until your chests were almost touching.

"I wrote you 365 letters. I wrote you every day for a year," He breathed. His voice just barely carried over the sound of the falling rain. You stared back at him in confusion.

"You wrote me?" You asked.

"Yes!" He snapped. Even that little snappish word sounded like he as if it pained him to tell you that. "It wasn't over. It still isn't over."

He took a step closer to you, wrapped a strong hand around the back of your neck and kissed you. Hard. Like it was last time he'd ever be able to do so. You kissed back with all the the same force. The rain dripped down your faces and over your attached lips just like it had in the clip of the movie that you'd seen. It occurred to both of you that this was more than a recreation of a scene from a book, this passionate lip lock was becoming your own. You slid your hands up his wet forearms, feeling the heat rise from under the soaked fabric of his shirt. His hand loosened on the back of your neck and found it's way down to your lower back as the other hand held your cheek. Finally, you both pulled away and you smiled at him.

"I really never took you to be a hopeless romantic, but I think I enjoy this side of you just as much as the other," You laughed as rain water trailed down your cheek. It was probably pink from the cold.

"I love you."

"I love you too."


Hey Kit Kats! That took me like 45 years to write and I still don't like it that much, but a friend wanted me to do one of 2P Spain. I looked up his wiki page and it said that he could be romantic and that lead to this train wreck. Anyway, let me know if you liked it in the comments or let me know what you want to see next. Please vote and share this story. I love you all and wish you the best in life!

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