Jealous!Prussia x Unloved!Reader

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~~Warning~~ There is a part in this chapter that looks like rape(He won't actually do it). If you are not comfortable reading this, DO NOT READ!

Your pov

You boyfriend Prussia of four years had been ignoring you completely for the past month and you were beginning to think that he was getting bored of you. It wasn't the first time you had seen Prussia get bored of a girl. It happened with every girl before you so, what makes you any different? As Prussia walked past your spot on the couch, you stood up.

"Hey, Gil?" You asked. He didn't even give you a passing glance or, if he did, it was the same glare you had been getting since his little mood had started a month ago. Your eyes watered and, not for the first time, you wondered if you weren't enough. You wondered if he stopped loving you. At the thought of this, your (E/C) eyes watered. It took almost no time until you were in the car and on your way to Germany's house. Germany had been your best friend since you had met during WWI but, we won't get into that.

~~Skip the car ride 'cause nothing will happen~~

You knocked on his door, praying that he was home and not at the gym like he normally was at this time. Luckily, he opened the door and stood, seemingly shocked by your appearance. Your (E/C) eyes were red, (S/T) skin blotchy, (H/L) (H/C) hair stuck to your face, and small hic ups here and there.

"What happened to you?" He asked, worried. You whimpered and ran into his chest with a small sob escaping from your mouth.

"G-Gilbert won't even l-look at m-me anymore! I-If he has t-to l-look at me, he g-glares!" You sobbed. Germany could really only deal with your emotions because they were pretty fucking clear, that much you understood. He brought you inside and sat down on the couch, rubbing your back.

"I'm sure he's just been busy," he said, calmly. You looked up at him with trembling pink lips and sad eyes.

"He won't even stay in the same room as me. We don't sleep in the same bed anymore and, I don't know, I think he's starting to get bored of me," you mumbled looking down. Germany patted your back. He couldn't really say much in his brothers defense as, it was a pattern with him to dump perfectly nice girls because they got boring.

"I'm sure that's not the case, (Y/N)," he said.

No ones pov

Prussia stood at the window of his brothers house as he watched the love of his life and his brother cuddle on the couch. He felt a sudden rage over come his body like no other he had felt before. Without thought, Prussia stomped through the door with an angry growl. The (E/C) eyed girl looked over her shoulder to see who had entered the house so rudely to see her boyfriend.

"What the hell, West?!" Prussia growled. Germany looked over his shoulder at Prussia, seeing hate and anger burn in his red eyes. He crossed the room in all of three steps and grabbed the girls arm roughly.

"What?" He asked. Germany was actually confused by what the hell was going on. All he knew he was doing was comforting his best friend. He had never like (Y/N) that way. Sure she was an attractive girl but, not really his type. Prussia growled, throwing a right hook at Germany. It effectively put the blond man down for a bit.

"(Y/N)'s mine and mine only! Stay away from her!" He hissed. The girl in question stood in his grasp horrified by what had just happened. Prussia was hardly ever this violent in front of her, let alone towards his brother. He scooped her up and was out the door and home in almost no time.

"What the shit?!" she screeched as Prussia dragged her angrily through the door of their shared house.

~~The limey, bad part is ahead, read if comfortable~~

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