2P Prussia x Tomboy! Reader

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Your pov

First Grade

You had seen a boy with a big scar on his face and a metal arm run across the playground being chased by two bigger boys. Being you, you hiked up your little overalls and tromped over to where the boy was cowering. There was already a bruise forming on his left cheek and he was crying. The two older boys were laughing at him.

"Hey, dumb-dumbs!" You yelled, your little hands balling into fists.

"Get lost shrimp," One of them said (the blond one), pushing you backwards. They went back to torturing the poor white haired boy. Tears raced down his face and they laughed, calling him a sissy. You growled, stomping towards them again.

"Leave him alone!" You snapped, planting yourself in front of them. The boys glanced at each other, smirking.

"What'er you gonna do 'bout it," The other one said (the one missing a tooth). You didn't even respond before you punched him in the nose. He stumbled back a few steps clutching it and the other boy punched you. It was a good fight and you definitely didn't win, but they finally left you alone. You turned to the boy, smiling despite the fact that you had a fat lip.

"That'll show them. I'm (Y/N). You got a name, kid?" You asked. He just stared up at you with teary cheeks and a confused expression as you held your hand out to him.

"G-Gillen," He stuttered, quietly. You smiled, still offering him your hand.

"Well? Are you gonna get up?" You asked. Finally, he let you pull him off the ground. You dusted him off, grinning brighter than the sun.

"Thank you," He said, reddening slighly. You shrugged.

"Welcome. Let's be best friends, okay?" You said, gripping his hand. He gave you a faint smile and nodded.

Sixth Grade

You had finally convinced your mom to let you cut your hair short. It had gone from your mid back to a nice pixie cut, much easier to deal with. You couldn't wait to show Gillen, who had been your best friend since you beat up those two boys. After your haircut, you made your mom take you to his house. When you got there, it was his brother who opened the door.

"Hey, Gillen! Your boyfriend's here!" He yelled. You gave him a dirty look. Just because you weren't the girliest girl doesn't mean you didn't want to be recognized as one. Gillen poked his head out of his room, blushing slightly.

"Guess who got her hair cut!" You yelled, rushing up the stairs. He looked at your hair, tilted his head, then smiled slowly.

"It looks good," He said. His voice was still quiet, but more confident. You grinned, wrapping an arm around his shoulder as he flushed pink.

"This is why we're best friends!"

Ninth Grade

"Are you a boy or a girl?" Some guy asked as you walked down the hallway with Gillen. You tried not to pay attention to them. It was hard considering you were becoming a little self conscious about how much of a tomboy you were, not that you planned to change. You just wanted someone to recognize you as a girl even though you weren't girly.

"It's definitely some guy and his girlfriend. Too bad I can't tell which is which," Another laughed. Gillen flinched. People made fun of his long hair all the time and you hated them for it. It was so much worse than them making fun of you.

"Shut it!" You growled, snapping your head around to look at them. It was once again the blond boy and the one missing a tooth from when you were kids. Gillen placed his metal hand on your shoulder. That was usually a sign telling you that you should calm down.

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