Child! Lithuania x Reader

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Very angsty and has death in it. If you don't feel comfortable reading this, please don't.


Your pov

You were way older than China, so you really didn't have the time nor the patience for children. Then came Lithuania. Lithuania was a quiet sort. You'd found him one day when he wandered into your yard. He might have only been a few years old, maybe physically eight. You were physically about seventeen. You still remembered that day like it was yesterday.


Grumbling, you glared out your window at the young boy standing in your yard. You never took too kindly to children because, in truth, they just annoyed you. Even still, you felt a little bad for him. He was so young after all and he looked terribly lost. You weighed your options, stay inside and hope he left or go see what going on. Sighing, you walked outside your house.

"What are you doing?" You asked. The small brunette whipped his head around to meet your gaze. His green eyes were wide and a little fearful of what you might do.

"S-Sorry, I'm l-lost," The little boy stuttered. You blinked at him, somehow not really expecting him to be so scared. Then again, you were a fairly severe looking person because of all the shit you'd seen.

"I see and who, may I ask, are you?" You asked, crossing your arms. You watched as he straightened himself up despite the fact that he was shaking like a leaf.

"I am Lithuania," He stated. A smile made its way to your lips as your face began to soften. For not liking children, you didn't really mind him right off the bat. You looked him up and down, deciding that, for a boy his age, he was far too skinny. You offered him your hand and he stared at you, confused.

"I'm (C/N). Would you like something to eat?" You asked, using your most motherly tone.

"I-I suppose," He said, unsure.

"I won't force you," You said. Lithuania looked from your hand to your face once or twice before taking it with his smaller one.

~~End of flashback~~

From that day on, he spent a lot of time with you. Lithuania would find himself in your home at least once a week, sometimes more. Oddly, you didn't really mind. He hadn't ever been loud or rude, nor did he ask you for anything beyond a place to stay. Eventually it got to the point where he had just come to live with you because you were the only motherly figure he really had. You answered every question he had.


"Miss (Y/N)?" He asked. You glanced up from your book.

"Yes, Toris?" You replied, looking just over the page to see the boy staring out the window. His face told you he had something on his mind that no child should.

"Why don't I get older?" He asked. Ah, that question. You'd asked yourself that a lot when you were young. Closing your book, you joined him by the window; standing behind him looking more like a strict teacher than a teenage girl. Your arms were placed behind your ramrod straight back as you stared ahead into the darkening sky. It was beginning to rain.

"You're a country, Toris. You will get older as your country develops," You said. He turned his green eyes up at you, more questions residing in them.

"Will I ever die?" He asked. Dropping your head, you nodded at him.

"Someday, I suppose. So will I. It's the natural cycle," You said, placing your hand on his shoulder. You were really trying to be as comforting as possible, but that was hard to do and tell the truth. It was especially hard knowing what question was coming next.

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