2p America x Tall! Reader

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Your pov

You had been dating Allen since high school and, in tenth grade, you hit a growth spurt that left you a 6'1 (186cm). You were thankful that he didn't mind. You were also thankful to have gained a new way to mess with him. Today, you had decided upon taking his things and putting them on shelves that were out of his reach. You knew that it would piss him off to the max. He had gone out with Matt to go collect some money that some guy owed them, so he'd be back soon enough.

"Doll? Where are ya?" He called as you finished up placing his favorite sunglasses on the top shelf in the bathroom.

"I'm in here," You called back. He walked into the bathroom and wrapped his arms around your waist, burying his head in your chest. You found early on that he enjoyed the easy access to you boobs.

"What the hell are you doin'?" You giggled, pulling away from him slightly.

"Oh, just reorganizing some things," You said in your most mischievous tone. Al glanced up at you with a confused look. You smiled down at him before pointing to his favorite pair of glasses on the top shelf.

"Get my shades off'a there! Now," He snapped. You smiled at him, shrugging. You grabbed the sunglasses; holding them above your head, you walked into the living room. Al followed you, jumping up to get them and missing. You giggled.

"They aren't on the shelf anymore," You said, innocently. He growled at you, glaring holes into you with his beautiful red eyes.

"Ya know what I meant, Doll Face," He said. You tilted your head to the side, pretending that you had no clue what he wanted.

"I'm not sure that I do." You shook the glasses tantalizingly over your own head. You watched in amusement as he climbed onto the couch and jumped at you. Smiling, you moved just out of his reach.

"Give 'em back, you fucking tree!" He yelled. You put a finger to your (L/C) lips as if you were considering it. You shook your head.

"Not when you ask like that," You pouted. Once again, he glared at you. You could tell that he was just itching to hit you with that bat of his. You also knew that he wouldn't. He knew damn well that a decision like that would put him in the hospital. He'd tried it once before you started dating. It didn't end well.

"How the fuck should I ask?" He snapped.

"You have to ask nicely, Allen. Gosh, that will be a real hardship for you, I know," You teased. He jumped, once again falling short of his prize. You placed the shade on the top of your head, just like you'd seen him do it many times before, and picked him up as he jumped for them again. You held him so his feet dangled off the ground.

"Put me down, Doll," He said, looking incredibly unamused. You simply smiled and swung him around in a circle.

"Don't wanna," You said, offering him the same shit-eating grin he usually gave you. You spun again, nuzzling your nose into the crook of his neck. You felt him chuckle against you and you smiled into his neck.

"Alright, alright, you win, (Y/N)," He laughed. You pulled back, (E/C) eyes catching his smiling face. You spun one more time and intentionally fell onto the couch with him. Both of you laughed in such a carefree way that you wondered if you had the right version of the man. For a split second, you thought you had Alfred. That was, until he rolled on top of your a buried his face in between your boobs again. You stifled another wave of laughter and wrapped your arms around him.

"You still don't have your sunglasses," You sing songed, rolling him off of you and dashing off to the bedroom. You could hear his playful growl from behind you. As you got to the bed, you felt him tackle you. Both of you fell, unceremoniously, onto it with a soft thud. You turned over so you could see his face. He brushed a few strands of (H/C) hair out of your face and smirked.

"Ya gonna give 'em back, Doll?" He asked. You held them away from him.

"Nope," You grinned. Giving you a mischievous smile, he began to tickle your sides. Allen was not the type for tickle fights, but you had something he wanted and he just so happened to know that you were extremely ticklish. You managed to kick him off and maintain the glasses above your head.

"Ya gotta give 'em back," He said. You laughed, hold him away with a long arm.

"Yeah? What are you going to do if I don't?" You giggled. He ducked around your arm and barreled into you, knocking you back on the bed. He reached for them and you held them a little further away. It continued that way until his face was inches from yours.

Snickering, he pressed a kiss to your mouth. His lips were warm, a little chapped, and familiar to you. You smiled into the kiss and brought the glasses down and rested them on the top of his head. Just the way he liked them. His muscular arm slid around your waist as you slipped your tongue into his mouth, battling him for dominance. He let you win and you explored his mouth with your tongue. This was something that had been done many times before, but never got old. You felt his lips turn up into a smile and you pulled back.

"If all ya wanted was a piece of me, ya coulda asked," He teased. His face was pink with lack of air rather than embarrassment, but it looked just as cute all the same.

"Where's the fun in that, Al?" You giggled. He snorted a laugh, dipping his head down and capturing your lips once more. This time with the intention of far less innocent things. You couldn't imagine yourself in a better situation.


Hey Kit Kats! Look who isn't dead! I know it's been a while, but there is a lot going on in my world. This is number four that a bunch of you voted on, I hope you liked it. Let me know in the comments if you did. Please don't forget to vote and share because it would make me very happy. I love you all and wish you the best in life!

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