Iceland x Reader

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Your pov

Your phone began to screech annoyingly, signifying that someone was calling you. You looked up from your book and glared at your phone. You leaned over and grabbed it off the coffee table to see that Norway was calling you. Norway didn't call you unless shit was going wrong, so you thought it might be a good idea to answer.

"Hello," You said, trying to sound as annoyed as possible.

"Iceland won't come out of his room," Norway said. As usual, no greeting, just getting down to business.

"He's always in his room. What's new?" You said.

"He's upset," He responded. You sat up a little straighter, letting your book drop onto your lap.

"What did you do?" You snapped.

"Just come over," He said, hanging up. You snorted and hung up. God only knows what they did this time. It was probably the 'call me, big brother' thing again, not unusual. Still, you hopped in your car and made you way over, swinging by a candy shop to grab some licorice. You knew that he would be much happier to see you if you had his favorite candy.

When you got there, you didn't even bother knocking for two reasons: 1) You're a rude teenager 2) your best friend is upset and you need to make him not. The others just stared at you as you threw the door open, letting it slam against the wall on the other side. Tino gave you a look that meant he disapproved and you glared back ahd enough to make him jump. You didn't even bother to say hello as you ran up the stairs to Iceland's room. This time you knocked politely. By that you mean you banged on his door until he got annoyed and cracked it open.

"Let me in, bitch. I brought licorice," You said, holding up the bag. He sighed and let you in, but not before snatching the bag out your hands. You smiled at him, taking a seat on his bed.

"Hi, (C/N)," He said though a mouth full of candy. Even through candy, he sounded pissed off. You tipped your head to the side, feeling your, hastily done, bun fall to the side as well. He sat in his desk chair across from you, glaring lightly at the ground.

"What did they do this time, Icy? Was it the 'big brother' thing again?" You asked. He shook his head. Damn, that was pretty much always what it was. You knew how to deal with that, but anything else was a little bit of a challenge, if licorice didn't help, that is. Maybe it was them talking about his baby face, that happened sometimes. No, usually he would have been the one to call you if that was the issue.

"You didn't have to come," He said. You laughed, not noticing the blush that appeared on his cheeks at the sound.

"Of course I did! If I didn't come over here when you were upset, what kind of best friend would I be?" You said. His silvery hair fell across his eyes as he avoided your (E/C) eyes. Your smile diminished, leaving a confused expression. You thought he liked it when you said that.

"Yeah," He muttered.

"Seriously, dude, what's up?" You asked, crossing the room and kneeling down in front of him so you could see his face. "What happened?"

"Nothing," He said, looking away from you. Now you noticed his blush. You were way more confused and a little worried.

"You know you can tell me anything, Ice. You know I wouldn't ever judge you, right?" You said, grabbing one of his hands. His face got redder and he pulled his hand away from you a little roughly.

"You'd judge me for this," He said keeping his face down to one side so you couldn't see him well. You snorted a laugh, shaking your head. You picked up his chin with two fingers, giving him a soft smile.

"Never. We're partners in crime, we're not supposed to judge each other. We're supposed to judge other people together," You giggled. He gave a little smile in response.

"I still can't tell you. You'd leave me alone and I don't want to be lonely again, (C/N)," He said, his face giving off the same sad vibe. You frowned as you looked into his face. You would never leave him alone, ever. You loved him in every sense of the word. Nothing would make you happier than to kiss him and kick his ass in stupid video games you two played together.

"Iceland, I wouldn't dare leave you alone. Come on, tell me what's wrong," You prodded, softly. His violet eyes met your (E/C) ones and his hand found itself resting on your (S/T) cheek.

"Promise?" He asked, childishly.

"Cross my heart and hope to die," You responded.

"I really like you, (Y/N)," He said, shyly. You were a tad shocked by the use of your human name, but you got over it quickly when you finally realized what he'd said. You flashed him a huge grin and shot up, hugging the life out of him.

"I really like you too, Emil," You said, pecking his cheek. You both blushed heavily, but smiled. "Was that all that was bothering you?

"They were making fun of me for liking you," He said, giving you a sheepish smile. You laughed and hugged him a little closer to you.

"Well, now they're going to make fun of you for dating me," You said. You watched as his face soured a little and you giggled again.

"Damn," He mumbled.

"That's okay. You can make fun of them for being the only one with a girlfriend," You said, smirking mischievously. "Let's go rub their noses in it like the immature teenagers we are."

"Sure," He said. You connected hands and exited his room to go raise a little hell with the rest of the boys in the house.


Hey Kit Kats! Wow, yeah, I tried. I'm not sure how well this one turned out, but I hope you enjoyed it a little. Let me know in the comments who you want to see next. Please remember to vote and share. I love you all and wish you the best in life!

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