Greece x Masked! Reader

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Your pov

You weren't a country but you were the little sister of a certain mask wearing country. That's right, you're Turkey's little sister. All your life you had worn a mask that covered your whole face, unlike Turkey. His mask only really covered part of his face. Unlike the whole mask thing, you didn't adopt his hatred of Greece. You were actually highly interested by him but, perhaps that was only because he was forbidden or maybe it was because he was hot. You didn't really know.

At the moment you were sitting in your room listening to (Fav. Song). Your (E/C) eyes peered out of the window as you pulled your mask off for the night. The moonlight hit your (S/T) face softly giving you a glowing, angelic glow. You could only stare out at the night sky with a bad feeling in your stomach. Something was going to happen but, you didn't know what. Shrugging, you let your (H/C) hair out of it's bun and let if fall around you face like a curtain. Soon after you fell beneath your (F/C) blanket and drifted into a slightly fitful sleep.

At some point in the late night, early morning there was a loud crash from downstairs that woke you. This must be what was going to happen, you thought. With that, you slipped on your white mask and slipped from your room. You didn't get far before a muscular arm wrapped around you and puled you from your home. Turkey didn't seem to notice that the man had left with you as you saw him running to your room. After some time, the man set you down carefully outside a house. You couldn't run as he was standing behind you so, you did what any rational person would do. You walked inside.

"I hope Turkey... knows what this... is for," a slow voice said from behind you. You jumped, recognizing the voice as Greece's. You turned to look at him, you (E/C) eyes barely visible from the mask. His olive eyes looking down at me. You smiled a bit behind your mask as, now you had a chance to actually talk to him.

"What is this for?" You asked, taking a step towards him. He tilted his head and looked at you, seemingly confused. Then again, you would be confused to if the person you just kidnapped seemed friendly towards you.

"That jerk... messed with my... cats," he responded, tiredly. You tilted your head, staring at him in confusion. He kidnapped you over cats? That didn't seem quite right.

"Oh, well, I'm sorry about him. He can be an asshole sometimes but, that's just Turkey for you. Did you say cats?" You grinned. He nodded. You giggled a little in excitement. You loved cats more than anything in the world. Turkey would never let you have one so, you had always been a bit upset about that.

"Yes. Do you like cats?" He asked.

"Duh! I love cats! Turkey won't let me have one though," you grumbled. Just then, a small cat rubbed its head against your legs. You smiled softly, bending down to pet it. As you picked hit up, it must have seen the ribbon that secured your mask to your face because it pounced and your mask came off. "Shit!"

"Wow," Greece said. He looked at you with wide eyes and, for once, he actually looked fully awake. Your thick (H/C) locks fell in your face as they were your secondary mask. It felt so strange to have your mask off in front of anybody accept Turkey.

"Uh, what?" You asked, pulling at a long piece of hair and curling it around your finger. Greece smile lightly and pushed your hair away from your face. You blushed hotly and turned your eyes down towards your bare feet.

"Turkey really is a jerk," he mumbled. You glanced at him as he looked softly into your face. He pushed your hair fully behind your ears and smiled a bit. You smiled back a bit sheepishly.

"Why is that?" You asked, petting the cat in your arms and ignoring the one that had found itself on Greece's head. You wondered how often he let them sit up there.

"He lets you hide this beautiful face from the world," he said. You only squeaked in response and looked down at your feet. Your cheeks had to be the color of ripe tomato's. He chuckled lightly at your reaction. For as much as Turkey bad mouthed him, Greece didn't seem like a bad guy, a little touchy for your taste but, not bad. You backed up a bit but tripped on your own two feet. You closed your (E/C) eyes and waited for your butt to come into contact with the ground but it didn't.

"Careful," Greece said. You looked at the position you were in. It looked as though you two had been dancing and he dipped you. You smiled up at him in amusement. He smiled back at you happily.

"So, when do I get to go home?" You asked, tipping your head to the side and letting your hair fall over one shoulder.

"You don't. I'm going to... keep you. You... remind me of a... kitten," he said, slowly. It was almost a little painful to listen to him talk that slow but, whatever. You shrugged, not really caring. You looked out the window for a few minutes before you heard snoring. Greece had fallen asleep in the corner of the room with a cat on his lap. You smiled and shook you head at the tired country. Kissing his forehead, you slid down next to him and rested your head against his shoulder before drifting to sleep yourself.

~~Extended ending~~

"What the hell?" An angry shout screamed, shaking you from your slumber. Opening your eyes, you saw your very pissed off big brother standing in the middle of the room, staring down at you.

"Oh, hello Big Brother," you said, sleepily. You rubbed your eyes a bit as an arm tightened around your waist.

"Get out," Greece said from behind you.

"Not with you my sister, ass wipe!" He yelled. You looked up at him and yawned. Greece let you up easily and you stretched, stiff from sleeping on the floor. You smiled at your brother, handing him your mask.

"No. I'm keeping her," Greece said. Turkey opened his mouth to say something but, you beat him to it.

" Can I stay? I've always wanted a cat and now I can have a ton! Please, I promise that I'll call, text, and visit as much as possible," You said. He stared at you and sighed at you.

"Fine but, if he tries anything with you, I'll kill him," he growled. You smiled and hugged him tightly.

"That's fine," You giggled.


Hey Kit Kats! I'm back it's nice to be here again I hope that you enjoyed this even thought it was not the one I said I was working on. I'll try to have that up soon. I know I've already down a Masked! Reader but, I thought that this would be an interesting twist. Let me know in the comments if you would like a part two to this! Remember to vote and share and all that good stuff. I love you guys <3!

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