Russia x Scarred! Reader

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I'm writing this one on my phone instead of my computer so it might be a bit different. Continue on to the story my Kit Kats!


Your pov

You sighed as you dumped your bag on the bench next to you, looking around at the other countries that avoided you at all costs.Your gaze settled on Russia, looking over his smooth, pale skin, beautiful deep, purple eyes, and the sweet, childish smile on his face. He'd never like you the way you liked him. Maybe it was three large scars across your face. They started at the left side of your hair line and dragged down over your nose, mouth, and left eye until they reached the right side of your jaw. You were kind of scary looking but, that was no reason to avoid you completely. There were only three countries that came anywhere near you and that was to make fun of you. They were the Bad Touch Trio (AN:// I love the BTT but I needed bad guys for the story)and they set out to make your life miserable.

"Hey, scarface!" Gilbert called from behind you. You closed your one good, (E/C) eye and took a deep breath.

"Leave me alone," you whispered, not moving.

"What's wrong, mon a mi?" Francis asked, tauntingly. You let your (H/L) hair fall in your face, attempting to hide your face. You'd never thought of yourself as pretty with the scars but, you tried to ignore the deep set body image issues that they gave you.

"Don't bother trying to hide them, the only way to make that look better would be to paper bag over it," Gilbert laughed, ripping your hair away from your face. You couldn't really see them because they were on the left side of you so they could take all the cheep shots they wanted.

"No, mon a mi, the only way to make that better is to let it die like it should," Francis said. You tried in vain to pull your hair back so you could hide your face again. You glanced back over to Russia as you often did when the did this, he was comforting in a way. "Hononononon~ Do I see an ugly little creature with a crush?" You turned you good eye to the ground, your face turning red.

"N-no," you replied softly.

"You know, frau, not even a monster like that would want to date someone that looked like you but, if you think he would, why don't we ask him?" Gilbert growled in your ear. You shook you head, tears threatening to fall down your (S/T) cheeks.

"No, please don't," you plead softly. They smirked at you, Francis grabbing your hair and hauling you up with a painful squeak.

"Russia! Russia!" Gilbert yelled. The large nation turned to look at him and you looked down, closing your eye. You didn't want to see this happen, you didn't want any of this to happen. At this point, you wanted the Earth to swallow you up so you could just not exist any more. He walked over to where you were, standing in front of Gilbert.

"Da, Prussia?" he asked, innocently.

"I'm sorry to say but, (Y/N)'s in love with you, why don't you turn her down and let her end her life," Gilbert smirked. You hiccuped as tears began to fall down your face. Francis laughed cruelly.

"Why would I want to turn down my sunflower? I think she's beautiful and I suggest that you let go of my (Y/N)'s hair before Mr. Pipe pays us a visit, da?" He said, a purple mist spreading around him in anger. Francis let go immediately and backed up along with Gilbert.

"Sorry, we'll be going now," they squeaked, running away with their tails between their legs. You sat on the ground, not looking at Ivan, not wanting him to tell you that it wasn't true, that he just felt bad for you.

"Look at me, sunflower," he said. You shook your head, keeping your (H/C) hair in your face. A large hand slid under your chin, tilting your head up gently.

"I don't want to," you mumbled, pulling you head away and putting it back down.

No one's pov

"Why not," Russia asked, looking down at the girl with the scars that he thought were unique. He was honestly confused as to why you wouldn't look at him.

"I don't want you to see my scars again," you mumbled, hiccuping. He tilted his head. He'd always thought that (Y/N)'s scars were beautiful. He'd always liked they way she smiled and her dull (E/C) eye on her left side would scrunch up more than the other. He didn't mind that she was blind in one eye or what people thought of him for liking the way she looked.

"Why not, I think you are beautiful, scars and all," he said. She turned her face up just a bit so her hair fell away from her damaged eye. Russia brushed all of her hair way from her face and took a good look at it with a soft, innocent smile.

"Why?" you asked, surprised.

"They make you different. I don't mind if my sunflower has a few damaged petals, it doesn't make it any less bright and beautiful," he said, laying a large hand on the side of the girl's face. (Y/n) leaned into his touch. He hadn't expected that considering he had been feared all his life. It was a nice feeling, even if they were sitting on the ground outside of the world meeting building.

"Thank you Ivan, I really needed that," you said, standing up and helping him up. He grinned at you with true happiness leaking into is smile. (Y/N) smiled back at him and, for the first time in years, her smile wad real.

"I love you, sunflower," Ivan said. You wrapped your arms around his neck and smiled.

"I love you too, Ivan. Before you ask, yes, I would love to become one with mother Russia," (Y/N) breathed against his lips before leaning in to kiss him. There was nothing hot or steamy about this kiss. It was a purely sweet and loving kiss shared between two very damaged people that were about to start fixing each other. As much as they could, anyway.

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