2p Russia x Reader

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Your pov

Yet another sleepless night found you on a cold night in December. Being an insomniac was not exactly your favorite thing, but it was something you had dealt with time and time again. You stared up at the ceiling wishing that your eyes would just slip closed so you could drift off into dream land. Sighing, you rolled onto your side and checked the clock beside your bed. Almost midnight, early for you to be desperate for sleep, but understandable seeing as you hadn't slept the night before.

"Hey, whatever force is keeping me awake, I am not amused," You yelled into your silent bedroom listening to your tired voice reverberate throughout the room. You shifted again and got out of bed, yawning. You decided that taking a walk might clear your mind, if that was the cause of your insomnia at the moment. You slipped on a pair of jeans, a long sleeved shirt, a thick hoodie, and your winter jacket as you walked towards the door. You stopped before the door just long enough to put on your good snow boots. You grabbed your (F/C) bomber hat and headed out into the cold night.

Tonight, the woods that surrounded your home called to you, as if it wanted you walk in and find something. You didn't hesitate to walk directly into them, even if it might not be a good idea, not worrying. The moon shined down through the branches of the pine trees slightly, guiding you over roots and things that skittered along the ground.

It was all very calming until you heard a large branch snap behind you. You jumped and whirled around to see a tall man with almost glowing red eyes staring over your head with some kind of weapon raised above his head. You took a slow step back, then another, and another until you were behind a tree. The man just stood there, staring off into nothing, making no move to come closer to you or even showing a sign that he knew you were there, that was, well, until you sneezed. His eyes snapped to the tree you were behind and he started to walk closer, you stepped back. It didn't take long for him to find you.

"Uh, h-hello," You sputtered, shivering. He stared down at you with no expression, not that the shovel he held in his hand wasn't giving you a clue to get the hell out of there. You stared up into his face but it was hard to tell what he looked like without the moonlight hitting him.

"What are you doing out here alone, little one," He grunted, his voice was low and sounded just as tired as you felt.

"C-Couldn't sleep," You said, rubbing your hands together. You could see his head move down as if he were attempting to get a better look at you. He grunted and took another step towards you. Instinctively, you moved back. You didn't really want to trust some psycho in the woods with a shovel at midnight. "What are you doing out here, Mr. shovel."

"Same as you," He said. You glanced at a patch of moonlight behind you and backed towards it, he followed you. He stopped when you backed fully into the light. You shivered and sneezed again. He didn't come into the light, not all of him, anyway. The sound of a wet pop echoed through the forest and something warm hit your hands. You squeezed your eyes shut as you felt something ooze down your arm.

"Do I even want to know what the hell this is?" You mumbled to yourself, opening your eyes. When you looked down at your hands, there sat a human heart. A still beating human heart, at that. You sucked in a sharp breath and you looked up at the highly intimidating shadow of the man. You shifted into one hand and you offered it to him. "Does this belong to you?" He reached for it and pulled your hand back slightly. His hand dropped and you could tell that his eyes were narrowed at you.

"Are you going to give it to me?" He asked in a dangerous tone. You gulped and nodded, shifting from foot to foot.

"Yes, but you have to come into the light," You said. You heard him sigh and then his weight shifted, he stepped into the light. Two red eyes, ringed in a dark purple similar to your own, stared down at you from a blank face framed by short, brownish red hair. You smiled at him and offered the heart to him again. He took it, his hand brushing yours. It was softer than you thought it would be and he was more normal looking than you thought someone wandering the woods with a shovel would be.

"Is that, uh, normal?" You asked. He shrugged and remained quiet. "I mean, if it is, you may want to get that looked at, man. I think that there might just be something wrong there."

"It is normally locked in a box," He said. You stared at him for a second then blinked.

"That's interesting, to say the least," You said, leaning down and grabbing a handful of snow, rubbing it between your hands to clear off some of the blood. "So, if you usually keep it locked up or whatever, why put it in to go for a walk?"

"I cannot leave it out forever, you are aware of that, da?" He said, the stoic look breaking a little to show some sort of confusion.

"Well, if you can keep it in a box, anything's possible," You said, shrugging. A strong wind gusted through and you shivered hard enough for your teeth to chatter. With a surprisingly quick movement for such a large man, his long, red scarf was off his neck and around yours. It was a thick, hand made scarf that carried the faint smell of blood, cigarettes, and pine trees, but either way you buried yourself in it, enjoying the blocking of the wind. The man began to walk away and you stared for a second.

"H-Hey, what about your scarf?" You called. He glanced over his shoulder as he walked.

"You know where to find me when you wish to return it," He called, disappearing into the trees. You found yourself smiling despite the fact that you were extremely confused. You walked home, running your fingers over the tight knit of the scarf. When you got home, you slipped off almost everything, except the scarf and fell into a deep sleep on your couch for the first time in a long time.

~~Extended ending~~

The next week, you found yourself in the same spot where the man had given you the scarf a few days earlier. You hadn't washed it considering it smelled like it hadn't been washed in a very long time. As if on cue, he stepped from the trees and you smiled at him. A bewildered look crossed his face as he stepped into the light.

"I brought your scarf back, sorry for having kept it so long, uh, you know, I don't think I ever got your name," You said, handing it to him. He looked down at you and you noticed that the circles under his eyes had gotten darker.

"Viktor Braginsky," He said, taking the scarf and wrapping it around his neck.

"(Y/N) (L/N)," You said, smiling a little bit more.

"You look better," He observed. You smiled and nodded.

"I've been getting a lot more sleep lately," You said, "Looks like you could use a heavy dose of that yourself." He nodded and breathed in deeply with his eyes closed before looking down at you.

"You washed it?" He asked, his voice as monotone as ever. You shook your head.

"No, but I have been wearing it quite a bit. You're probably just smelling my body wash or something," You said. He nodded and kept his nose and mouth under the scarf, the smell not really seeming to bother him.

"Perhaps," He said. You smiled at him a little more and held your hand out. You ignored the fact that anyone would have told you that this was a bad idea.

"Would you like to come to over for some hot chocolate?" You asked. He looked down and nodded, taking your hand.

When he got to your house, while you were making hot chocolate, he drifted off to sleep. When you came out of the kitchen with the two mugs you smile and laughed a little bit. Setting the mugs down on the table, you grabbed a blanket and draped it over him.

"Have a good sleep, Viktor," You mumbled, brushing his hair away from his face.


Hey Kit Kats! I made the reader in this gender neutral just 'cuz. I hope that 2P Russia isn't too OOC for you guys to handle, but if he is I'm sorry. It's my first time ever trying to write for him so, yeah. If you liked this or want to leave a request, please comment. It would be greatly appreciated. Vote and share this story if you like it. I love you all and I wish you the best in life!

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