Pirate! Spain x Child! Reader ~Part 2~

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No one's pov

Days, months, even years passed and with each passing day, (Y/N) grew in England's care. He never treated her badly and she thought of him a a wonderful big brother but, she never felt at home with him, never as safe with him as she did with Spain. She never forgot him even though it was years ago, when she was maybe seven or eight, that she was taken. (C/N) was now a seventeen year old girl with (H/L) (H/C) hair, dim (E/C) eyes, and (L/C) lips that rarely opened.

"(C/N), will you please come join me for breakfast this morning?" England asked through her bedroom door. Her eyes shifted to the heavy wooden door and rested there for a second before she opened it. England stood in front of her with a small, inviting smile. She did not return it. "Thank you, love. It's been such a long time since you have eaten with me."

"So it has," She sighed, brushing past him towards the dining room. As they ate, (C/N)'s mind drifted to Spain. She wondered if he still remembered her like she remembered him or if he still cared about her.

"I was thinking that you should accompany me to the World Meeting today. Would you mind?" He asked. (C/N) glanced up at him and pushed a strand of hair behind her ear. She shook her head and England smile lightly, telling her to be ready by ten thirty. She nodded, finished her food, and took herself back to her room to get ready.

Spain's pov

I glanced at the little doll in the (F/C) dress on my bed as I got ready for the meeting. It reminded me of the fact that I hadn't seen (C/N) since the day England took her away. She didn't come to World Meetings, most likely because she didn't want to see me. I have to wonder if she started to hate me after all these years. It would make sense seeing as I never tried to get her back after that day. I would give anything to see her again, just once. I don't even care if she hates me. I just want to see her sweet little face again. Sighing, I grabbed my briefcase and left for the meeting, wondering about (C/N). When I arrived, France and Prussia were waiting for me.

"Hola(1), amigos(2)!" I called, grinning at them. They smiled back.

"Bonjour(3), Spain," France greeted me. Prussia slung an arm around my shoulders proclaiming his own awesomeness loudly. I laughed and we all walked inside. Strangely, the room was empty except for a girl leaned over in her seat, looking for something. France and Prussia left me to go find their seats and I walked over to the girl.

"Hola, chica(4)! Did you lose something?" I asked. The girl stopped moving for a second then sat up. There was (C/N) staring back at me. She looked so grown up.

"Spain?" She whispered. I grinned at her as she stood up. A black blazer fit snugly around her slim body and a (F/C) pencil skirt clung to her hips. In the heels she wore, she was almost as tall as I was. Her tresses of (H/C) hair were pulled back into a tight bun at the back of her head keeping the hair away from her features.

"(C/N)! It's so good to see you again!" I cried. She stared at me, not really sure how to react to seeing me after all this time. Her face remained blank as we stared at each other. "You've gotten so big! Look at you, you're muy bonita(5)!" She still just stared at me blankly.

"After all this time," She mumbled, trailing off. My smile faded and I looked at her. She hates me, I don't blame her for that but, it still stings knowing that she does. Her big (E/C) eyes were settled on my face, studying me. After a few more minutes, she smiled. "You got rid of that God awful ponytail." I laughed as she said this. Leave it to this child to bring up hair before she even gives a real greeting.

"Si(6)," I said, smiling. In a matter of seconds, whatever ice was left in her melted and she threw herself into my arms, wrapping her own around my neck. When something wet his my shoulder, I realized that she was crying. I had the overwhelming urge to cry myself, but I didn't.

"I've missed you so much!" She sobbed, squeezing me tighter. I laughed and sniffled a bit. England looked at us from across the room and smiled a little bit.

"I've missed you too," I said, stroking her soft hair. She pulled back and looked at me. Her eyes were puffy and red rimmed, her nose was red but, she was grinning wildly. I ran my thumb across her cheeks, catching her tears there like I used to when she was little. I felt a tear slip down my cheek as I saw the same little girl as before in that grin of hers. She laughed and wiped it away.

"I'm crying enough for the both of us, don't you start to," She giggled, her voice wavering. I hugged her again as England came over. He smiled at her back lovingly. I didn't ever imagine that he would get attached to her like I did.

"(C/N), love, may I speak with you for a moment," He asked. She turned and looked at him, nodding. He smiled as I let her go. He placed one hand on her shoulder and one hand on her cheek. She stared at him, confused. I had to say that I was pretty confused myself before he started talking.

"When I first captured you, (C/N), I didn't think I would ever love you like I love you right now. I didn't think that you would find a way to make me feel like I had to protect you from everything I possibly could. Watching you grow up was the most wonderful thing that I have ever had the privilege to see and now, I think, it's time that I let you go back and do the rest of your growing where you belong, with Spain," He said, lovingly. She grinned at him and pitched herself forward and gave him a long hug.

"Thank you, England, for everything. I hope that you know the feeling is mutual. I love you like a brother, I really do. Thank you for taking such good care of me all this time and thank you for letting me go back where I belong," (C/N) said, pecking his cheek before letting him go. His eyes were glassy, but he was smiling at her none the less. She turned back to me and smiled. "If you'll have me, I'd like to stay with you."

"I've been waiting for that for far too long," I said, hugging her again. She turned and looked at England again.

"Oh, England, I hope you don't mind if I come back and visit from time to time," She said. England smiled.

"Your room will always be there," He said with a grin. She smiled back and looked back at me. Everything felt right again. I had my little (C/N) back and she had her caretaker back. I had never been more happy in my life.


Hey Kit Kats! I have to say that I'm pretty proud of part 2. I hope that you all like it. Please comment, vote, and share this story if you like it. Please feel free to leave requests in the comments or in my inbox and I will get to them as fast as I can. I love you all and with you the best in life!


1) Hola- Hello

2) Amigos- Friends

3)Bonjour- Hello

4) Chica- Girl

5) Muy bonita- very beautiful

6)Si- yes

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