Prince! England x Princess! Reader

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You knew from the time you were a child that you had no choice in the man you would marry, but you never expected it to be, Arthur Kirkland, your best friend. You had been friends since primary school, before even. It wasn't that you didn't enjoy his company because you did. It was more that you knew he wasn't interested in you in such an intimate way. He was far more interested in having non binding relationships of a sexual nature. The other problem that was brought to your attention was that you were in charge of telling him about the wedding. He sat next to you on the couch in your suite.

"Hey, Artie? Can I tell you something?" You asked, rubbing your arm nervously.

"Anything, (Y/N). Is something troubling you?" He asked with a worried look.

"Yes, well, I mean, no. I think it's going to trouble you more than it will me," You said, waving your hands lightly.

"Trouble me? What on Earth are you talking about?" He chuckled. You took a deep breath and looked into his emerald eyes with your own (E/C) ones.

"We're getting married," You stated. That wiped the smile off his face pretty quickly. He looked like you'd just punched him in the stomach, mouth open and shoulders hunched. Then, like he'd lost his mind, he began to laugh.

"That was good, (Y/N). Very funny," He laughed. You bit your lip, shifting uncomfortably in your seat as you tried to avoid eye contact. Arthur's laughing died down after a second. "You are joking, right?" You shook your head.

"It... isn't a joke. We're really engaged to be married," You said, wringing your hands.

"How long have you known!" He yelled. You jumped, putting your hands up to show surrender.

"Mother only told me this morning!" You yelled back. He ran his hands through his blond hair as he shook his head. You watched as he continued to shake his head and laugh bitterly. Honestly, you were a little offended that he was having this nasty or a reaction. He could be marrying someone far worse, you hoped he knew that.

"How lovely. I'm marrying you, of all people!" He snapped, standing up and throwing his hand towards you in a gesture you found to be slightly rude. You raised an eyebrow, crossing your arms.

"Just what is wrong with me, of all people?" You quipped.

"Are you referring to something other than just being you?" He asked, snottily.

"You could be far worse off. At least you get to marry your best friend, someone who already loves you," You scoffed.

"I'll bet that's why you're defending this! You're in love with me!" He screamed.

"Did I say I was in love with you? No. I said I loved you, friends tend to do that," You responded with forced calm.

"If it were friendly, you wouldn't want to marry me," He said, mirroring your calm.

"I never said I wanted to marry you. The only thing I said was that we were getting married," You pointed out. He glared.

"Don't lie, you know you want to marry me. Father always talked about what would happen if we spent so much time together and he was entirely correct," He said. You narrowed your eyes at him.

"You know, Art, I don't see what could be a better situation besides actually falling in love with someone," You said.

"Oh yes, I'd just love to live with the person, whom I barely recognize as a woman, for the rest of my life. You do realize that they expect an heir out of us after we get married, don't you?" He yelled, throwing his arms in the air.

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