Russia x Short! Reader

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Your pov

Soft light from the morning sun fell across the table, illuminating your (coffee/ tea/ etc.). You stared down into the drink as your swung your feet back and forth. As of late, you had become painfully aware of how your feet dangled when you sat and how your boyfriend had to pick you up every time he wanted to kiss you. Sighing, you took a sip of the lukewarm liquid.

"подсолнечник(1)?" A sleepy voice said. You turned to find Russia standing in the doorway. He was still wearing pajamas and sporting bed head.

"What are you doing up this early?" You asked. He took a seat next to you, leaning his elbows on the table as if they were the only things holding him up at the moment. It was actually pretty cute.

"I was going to be asking you that," He yawned.

"I just wanted to do some thinking," You responded. He raised an eyebrow.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked. You shrugged, avoiding the subject. You'd been thinking about how short you were. It had never bothered you until the other countries started making fun of you for being so tiny. At first, you hadn't minded but, after a while, it began to weigh on you. You were beginning to wonder if Russia would like someone taller than you, someone he didn't have to squat down or pick up to kiss.

"Just thinking," You muttered, running your index finger around the rim of your (F/C) mug. You watched as your (S/T) finger dipped in and out of the light, trying to avoid eye contact with him.

"You look upset. Did someone do something to make my sunflower upset? If they did, Mr. Pipe will be paying them a visit, da?" He said, his accent thicker because he was still tired. You shook your head.

"No, Ivan, no one made me upset. It's not important, okay?" You said, attempting a smile.

"Why would it not be important?" He asked, taking your hand that had been softly tracing your mug.

"It's stupid, really," You said, pulling your hand out of his. His face started to become more alert and worried as you spoke.

"What is upsetting you, (Y/N)?" He asked, staring you down softly with his big, purple eyes.

"Don't worry about it," You said. He took your hand again as he stared into your eyes.

"I'm worried," He said. Sighing, you rubbed the back of your neck.

"It's just... wouldn't you prefer someone taller than me?" You asked. He sat back a bit as if you'd given him an electric shock.

"No," He said quickly. "Why would you think that?"

"Doesn't it bother you that you that you have to bend down to see me properly? I mean, you can't tell me that it doesn't get annoying that people that don't know us think I'm your little sister, not your girlfriend," You said, not looking at him.

"It doesn't matter what other people think," He said, trying to find your eyes. You continued to avoid his and opted to watch the light crawl across the table. It had already engulfed your mug and was slowly working it's way up your arm.

"Don't you want someone that you don't have to pick up to kiss?" You asked.

"I like picking you up," He said. As if he were solidifying his point, he swept you out of your chair. He held you bridal style. His strong arms holding you tight to him. You could feel his soft belly though his pajama top. You could feel all the parts of his torso that were slightly squishy and, for whatever reason, it made you feel safe.

"You really don't care that I'm basically a midget," You said, crossing your arms. He smiled softly at you.

"Of course I care," He said, "I like that you're short."

"Why? I can't kiss you properly, I can't keep up with you when we're walking, I have trouble lacing our fingers together when you're standing because my arms are too short and it feels awkward. For God's sake, I can't even get a glass out of the cupboard without standing on the counter," You said, quietly.

"All the more reason to love you," He said, as he walked you back to the bedroom. He bumped open the door with his shoulder and laid you gently on the bed.

You stared up into his eyes from your position on the bed. He smiled at you as he ran his fingers through your (H/L) (H/C) hair. He hovered above you, the light from the bedroom window giving him an angelic glow. His blond hair creating a halo around his head. After a moment of just looking, Russia laid next to you, pulling you into his chest.

"I have never met a more beautiful creature in my life," He whispered into your hair.

"Really?" You asked, angling your head to you could see him.

"Da. You are even more precious to me than sunflowers, (Y/N). I don't care how tall you are," He said. You smiled, lightly.

"я люблю тебя(2), Ivan," You said, shuffling up towards his face.

"я тоже тебя люблю(3), (Y/N)," He replied, pressing his lips to yours. You smiled into the kiss, responding immediately to his warm, inviting lips. He rubbed your side and you traced patterns on his biceps. You fell back into how you used to feel, carefree. It was then you decided that you liked being short. You liked it because it was part of you and Ivan loved every part of you, including that one.


Hey Kit Kats! This story was requested by -_VioletsArePurple_- and I would like to thank you for your request. This one was short and sweet. Get it? Because it was Russia x Short Reader. It's just not funny when it get's explained, is it? Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this story. If you did, let me know in the comments. Please vote and share this story because it would make me very happy. I love you all and wish you the best in life!


1) подсолнечник- Sunflower

2) я люблю тебя- I love you

3)я тоже тебя люблю- I love you too

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